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Everything posted by roardog

  1. What do the least snowiest records look like around there? There’s obviously a lot of winter to go there but I would think this winter would be in the running right now.
  2. Although it will most likely end up being a very warm month area wide, the colder air coming in the second half of the month will knock it down some. It’s not a sure bet that it’ll end up the warmest Feb on record at any given location by any means.
  3. What you just described is a normal Michigan spring so it’s no surprise that’s the way springs have been lately.
  4. There was a lot of talk on here and other places last fall about how this strong/super Nino would be different due to where the greatest forcing was, how the MEI wasn't in strong Nino territory, etc. However, when February ends, the winter temp anomalies over the US are going to look exactly like a strong/super Nino.
  5. I’m not sure I’d trust any ice south of Hudson Bay this winter. lol
  6. I thought last fall I saw someone(maybe Raindance) post a map showing that a strong/super Nino actually has a corridor of above normal precip near here in the winter. That surprised me but then I remembered how ‘15-‘16 actually had some big storms come through this area after December. Of course this year, we saw a very non Nino like pattern in January with that cold stretch with the coldest air being in the northern plains. That along with a positive SOI for the month, brought a more Nina like pattern which could help explain the wetness around here.
  7. When the Lions were playing like an unstoppable force in the first half, I was thinking about how playing the Packers might have been a much tougher game. Then the second half happened and I changed my mind. lol
  8. That Falcons second half collapse in the Super Bowl was somehow even worse than the second half collapse of the Lions in the championship game.
  9. Raindance has had a cold and stormy March for most of the country. It’ll be interesting to see if it happens. He’s had a good winter forecast.
  10. How does grass even grow this far north in January? I would think the sun angle alone would prohibit it.
  11. Since it's going to be mild, hopefully we can get the rare sunny and mild winter weather. Then maybe it could at least freeze at night to keep the ridiculous mud down a little. Maybe we can accomplish that for awhile with the dry easterly flow coming up.
  12. I don’t know. This weather might be even less interesting than taxes.
  13. I wonder if we are heading toward a very strong Nina with atmosphere kind of already being in a Nina base state.
  14. No. Those winters were all cold. The warm ones you listed were due to rooftop temperatures. lol
  15. Yes. It’s going to green up in early Feb in Milwaukee.
  16. I think it means you’ll get a lot of 89 degree highs this year. Just kidding.
  17. I guess you better hope for a super Nino in the future instead of La Niña. lol
  18. The 12Z Nam does look slightly east again FWIW which may not be much but a few miles matter for us on the eastern side of the state, especially you guys down there.
  19. I think if Feb were to end up cold and dry, Michsnowfreak would still be happy as there will always be some snow around if it’s cold and any snow cover would stick around.
  20. Hope the weight of the heavy snow doesn’t crush his palms. lol
  21. Yeah. cold staying northwest is La Nina. That was the pattern last winter. lol. So much misinformation everywhere these days.
  22. I'm not sure it's going to quite make the super tri monthly but it won't be too far off. Good job staying with your prediction even when things weren't looking great. Super Nina and extreme -PDO next year?
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