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Everything posted by nutmegfriar

  1. Well, I know plenty of high school kids who have sacrificed a lot of "normalcy" during the pandemic and a random act of kindness by their Superintendent is appreciated............but, thanks for your snark.
  2. On-line scanners in Pennsylvania are filled with accidents. A real mess out there.
  3. Just received a recorded message from our system's Superintendent cancelling school for tomorrow and telling kids to turn off their computers and go outside and play in the snow.
  4. Not in a every district, as some teachers need to teach remotely from their classrooms. So, in our area many systems still have snow days.
  5. Flipped to snow in Old Lyme, CT at 2:25 pm. Big, big flakes.
  6. A good soaker this afternoon and this evening on the CT shore. A few rumbles of thunder and some lightning but very tame compared to our friends to the west of us.
  7. Tree damage in Hamden and North Haven sure looks like it was caused by a small tornado.
  8. https://www.earthcam.com/usa/newyork/montauk/?cam=montauk Montauk webcam
  9. A significant percentage of shelters in the Houston metro area are already impacted by COVID-19.
  10. Clouds are battering us here along CT's southeastern shore.
  11. Light rain commenced in Old Lyme (CT) about 20 minutes ago. I am SO happy to sit this ice mess out. Brought in two loads of firewood, got the recyclables to the street for tomorrow, and am settling in with dinner going and power at full on! Rainy day tomorrow but I'll have hot leftovers at the office! Good luck to those in the ice...stay safe!
  12. The Boardwalk along Niantic Bay is very busy on this warm Veteran's Day.
  13. Wild guess here but residents of Palm Beach County, if directly impacted, would probably receive federal assistance "the likes of which has never been seen before".
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