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Everything posted by nutmegfriar

  1. I haven't measured yet but just saw a report of 15" in my town.
  2. Ryan staying somewhat conservative (rightly so). Can always bump figures with more model consistency. Then again, he can always throttle back, too.
  3. Pats about to lose their second playoff game in as many weeks. That may be a record.
  4. Naturally, as I changed my schedule this morning so I would be on the road Friday.
  5. This is like two sisters getting together at a family reunion.
  6. Beautiful winter day outside. Got some wonderful fresh air while I loaded up the truck with dry firewood and drove through the snowy, rural countryside.
  7. I agree with the other posts. Some closings may really be more about Covid and giving staff and students a three-day break from close contact.
  8. Restaurants, stores, and hotels in the West Palm Beach area are busy as all get-out and are hiring. Restaurants are slammed (I get it that it's holiday week here) and many places aren't accepting reservations. Business is booming here.
  9. Strong wind gusts here, earlier than I anticipated. This wind sounds different than those of Henri, which isn't good.
  10. Times Square Earth Cam just went from heavy rain to it's time to open the ark.
  11. As an FYI, alligator season starts on Wednesday in eastern parts of Louisiana. Terrible economic impact for the fishermen and gator hunters.
  12. Point Judith taking a good shot. A lot of mobile/manufactured homes there.
  13. 5 PM NHC advisory puts landfall on my head.
  14. Hammer time for BI on that run.
  15. Essentially landfall on my head at 48 hrs (or so) out. Still hoping for it to move even further westward.
  16. But didn't a wise man once say that nothing happens in CT?
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