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Everything posted by weatherCCB

  1. Absolutely pouring 2” hr rates. Flashing flooding likely
  2. 0.55” here missed all the heavy stuff
  3. Looks, like that llc that was moving N.E. on Brownsville radar is going to be the Coc. If so this is going to have a lot more time to organize
  4. On Brownsville radar you can see a llc moving N.E. Just my observation.
  5. Definitely developing a inner core. Hopefully land interaction will prevent it from taking off.
  6. Yeah I heard it. Some storms on radar now.
  7. Awesome outside 61/54 yeah, that ridge pattern forecast could be problematic if we see the tropics heat up. Either way 90s and high dews suck for September.
  8. .60” overnight. nothing so far today. 71/66
  9. 4.00” total. most fell with that early morning super cell. 3.3” in 40 minutes. Hardest rain I’ve ever witnessed in my 58 years here.
  10. 4.00” total,here. 3.3” in less than a hour, .070 rest of the day. Amazing morning out. 59/53 Definitely windows open.
  11. Unfortunately they have found one person drowned in that apartment complex. 1 still missing.
  12. I live about 1 mile from those apartments. 3.3” in less than a hour
  13. 3.30” in about 40min. some of the hardest rain I’ve witnessed
  14. Torrential rain and vivid lighting. got to be 3” hr rates.
  15. Beginning to slow down 13mph not good to say the least.
  16. Max sus. Wind 170mph Max sus.,at L.F. 165mph pressure at L.F. 919mb L.F location chauvin
  17. Gust front through here now. Storms to follow ?
  18. Pop up shower here now. Thunder also. 75/70
  19. 1.38” this morning over 6” for the month 76/71
  20. Just light stuff overnight 0.18” 78/74
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