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Everything posted by weatherCCB

  1. No measurable rain here sun trying to come back out
  2. 0.79” here gusty garden variety storm here Much needed the rain though
  3. Looks like some clearing out west. Have to wait and a see if that continues. Cloudy here still
  4. After checking the rain gauge , actually had some measurable rain 0.09”
  5. No measurable rain here few flashes of lighting and rumbles of thunder hooe to score some rain today or tomorrow
  6. 0.22” here pretty underwhelming. 60 light drizzle
  7. Picked up 0.61 last night and this morning 48. Sky clearing
  8. Picked up 0.25” chilly 43
  9. Picked up 0.43” this morning surprise heavy shower between 6:30 - 8:00am
  10. 1.42” 0.82” fell in a thunderstorm overnight Friday much needed
  11. Heavy overnight thunderstorm picked up 0.82”
  12. 83 here @ 10:30 90 seems a lock
  13. Picked up 0.32” nothing heavy here
  14. 13 degree drop in about 1/2 hour. 54 to 41
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