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Everything posted by rclab

  1. With great difficulty compassion can lead to understanding. May we all stay well. As always. …..
  2. The consolation is that the gradient was spread over almost 300 miles. Stay well and hopeful, as always …..
  3. Go ahead WW …. DIT has his lawn all ready for you. As always ….
  4. In our inner city, UHI blessed bastion on the coastal plain we would probably have to combine the BN days of the last three winters to approach the 50. Even we have options. Stay well, as always …
  5. Well said…… For the inner city coastal plain, it’s never easy. As always ….
  6. As I approach my ninth decade with over 10 years as a forum member and thanks to well versed members and professionals, ….. enough knowledge has managed to squeeze under my mental block for me to keep the expectations/reality of my inner city coastal plain climate in clear perspective. So if it’s only one or multiple occasions that I see snow flakes fall on the postage stamp or stream by the street light, I’ll be happy. If no flakes fall, I can still recall a photo memory or view the Silver Bells scene in the Lemon Drop Kid until it’s snow over the city ending. Stay well everyone, as always ….
  7. Caution Anthony ……. Ma Nature knows where we live. As always …..
  8. Yes Don, I was with my daughters and peaceful. At my life stage, on the forum, it’s like being with family every day. For that I will always be thankful and never really be lonely. Stay well, as always ….
  9. Don, I picked my last golden cherry tomatoes today. Looks like our inner city growing season may finally be ending. Stay well, as always …
  10. Good morning d. This salty yet entertaining plowman used the f bomb about 24 times in 180 seconds. Yet only seemed to get one minor 4 letter word reaction. Stay well, as always …..
  11. Accu weather long range also sees the potential for some frozen precipitation in that date range. Stay well all and hopeful. As always ….
  12. I’m listening to the seasonal music right now. Yesterday, 11/23/24, I took two photos outside of Brooklyns Borough Hall. ….. I can still dream …. As always …..
  13. It must be getting colder under the bridge. As always …..
  14. It takes a sincere courage to be a dedicated weenie on the coastal plain. As always ….
  15. Photo of Prisoect Park brush fire from the ‘Patch’. As always ….
  16. Good evening Irish , Gravity, CPcms. The Accu Weather 45 day long range, for my portion of the sub tropic coastal plain, goes out to December 16th. Its lowest minimum for the balance of November is 34 and for December 33. If the present trends continue it may take Santa to end the growing season in the postage stamp. Now, my friends, you know how much of a life I have if I’m looking at a 45 day long range forcast. Stay well all, as always …
  17. Which one? Stay well, as always ……
  18. I was over forty when I discovered and started visiting/reading the forums. It stayed that way until I had the courage to join one. In one of the Eastern forums was another poster by the screen name Ji. He is stil, active in the MidAtlantic sub forum and was a popular fun target weenie. Dt. Always lambasting him. Ji proudly announced that DT pm’d him to tell him what a weenie he was. I remember DT going after Ralph Wiggum at that time. I remember Buckeye as a poster back then. DT did praise some members. He considered Jerry to be an exceptionally fine weather hobbyist along with calling Ji a moron. The poster Ziggy would go to verbal war with DT. I remember an opening Salvo from him when he gave a vivid analysis of DT’s forum personality. I also remember that due to their rarity, identified Meteorologist posters were treated with eminent care, I felt bad for Bartlo. That particular board was destroyed with the cross posting. I would watch the Bob Hope show in the 50’s along with Perry Como, Red Skeleton , Jack Benny. I even remember when a very young Carol Burnett was first introduced on the Garry Moore show. Garry Moore also hosted I’ve Got A Secret a lowbrow answer to What’s My Line. The 50’s/60’s variety shows are golden to me. As the bands of Fred Waring, Guy Lombardo, Spike Jones and others. Thank you, GaWx. I enjoyed the stroll down memory lane. At least I can still find my way home. Stay well, as always …
  19. Jerry was Weathafella on that board. DT was, as I remember, a frequent poster. JB was held in a much higher esteem then, even by DT. I remember, not sure on what board, a poster by the name of Ziggy was also a Bartlo nemesis. When new posters got out of hand the seasoned ones would call on DT for a weenie roast. It’s where I first heard the term Jeb walk. I would view the board on a dial up Web TV set up. That was a quarter century ago. Preserve your memories, they’re all that’s left you. ( thank you Paul Simon. ) As always ….
  20. I believe it was the last time the waste pipe burst in the down town sauna. Stay well, as always ….
  21. Good morning Gravity. Some consider Candlemas as the holiday. February 2nd would fit well with your suggestion. Stay well, as always ……
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