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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Could be …… As always ….
  2. Appropriate Rjay …… no complaints. As always ……
  3. …. Good thing we’re talking about snow. As always ….
  4. I was in high school and enjoyed my first experienced NYC snow day in the 17.5” storm, the second week of December 1960. Mayor Wagner banned car travel in the city for snow removal. I remember folks skiing on 75th street in Diker Heights Brooklyn. I often wonder what the park measurements really were for those storms. I’m about three months short of 78 and will either enjoy another personal experience or enjoy vicariously through U Tube presentation on the board. I believe, iceman 1, you’ll enjoy many more. Stay well and hopeful youngster. As always ….
  5. Agreed and thank you Don. Even if Baltimore were added to the last three charted cities you could still say that we are a climatological megalopolis. Stay well, as always ….
  6. You always do ….. and leave with this. As always ….
  7. Actually it’s probably what Ma Nature caught him doing on Mount Washington. As always ….
  8. Please, 40/70 … wait till the icicles melt. As always ….
  9. Anthony, without them, winter would be meaningless. As always …..
  10. If I woke up to /with 6+ inches I sure would consider it a miracle. As always ….
  11. METMJO812FAN4LIFE …. There’s always hope and a way, Anthony. As always …..
  12. This one seems affordable and many more available. Rough commute though. As always ….
  13. Well Liberty on a day like today a large aged water main break might do it here. As always…
  14. Sometimes one is all it takes. Ever hopeful, as always ….
  15. Thank you CS. At my age thats good to hear. As always ….
  16. Agreed and fully understand. That’s why long range is my only hope. As always ….
  17. Rjays avatar begs to differ, stay well this year and all to follow, as always ….
  18. Rob may you/family and all have a blessed/peaceful year and for all that follow. I hope you don’t mind, I consider the postage stamp as a miss placed little piece of your neck of the woods. Stay well, as always ….
  19. I see your point so that means Iron Maiden hand and mouth muzzles are not an option. As always …..
  20. That would be sad for all of us since that belief would render you mute. Stay vocally free, as always …
  21. Good morning everyone. Accuweather shows snow in the forecast from the 6th through the 9. They show a summary of projected daily conditions. They are calling for a possible 10.3 inches snow total for the 4 day period. I check it daily to see the evolution and changes. It’s only from what I’ve learned ( at least to the degree that I can understand ) from the professionals and well versed board members that I am able to explain to my grandson the accuracy of long range forecasts. For that I thank you all. Stay well in 2025 and after. As always. …
  22. Thank you Layman and DIT also. I remember my mom dropping one on my dad and me in the early sixties; “a rolling doorstep gathers no grass”. She said it slowly with conviction. My father tight lipped trying not to laugh left quickly. I on the other hand, being a smart alec high school senior. went hysterical. I got out of there quickly, though not quick enough to escape the shoe that followed me. Mom’s aim was deadly. Thanks again for stirring my memory pot. As always ….. .
  23. Dickens would have found a way to rehabilitate. Peace for all, as always …
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