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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Good afternoon SORTA22, V W. I believe if I was driving this, Anthony might, instead of a ticket, ask for a ride. As for what I was doing on the night of the last 6+ snow event. …… I was wishing I could match it. Stay well, as always ….
  2. I’m not worried STORMANLI. If it comes to pass my faith is in you with your sword. Stay well, as always ….
  3. Liberty, The weather there is payment, to Mother Nature, for Irelands natural beauty. As always ……
  4. Good morning everyone. Anthony, It’s hard to wait it out but when relief comes and the hole is, albeit briefly, filled it’s worth the wait. There are other options as CP suggested …… As always ….
  5. I’m not so sure Will. It’s hard to picture Anthony armed yet out of uniform. Stay well, as always….
  6. You never know Will. …. There may be a better pattern at the top of the hill. As always ….
  7. Thank you S19. I hadn’t had the pleasure of that word before. Stay well, as always …
  8. Damn S19! Just when I finally figured out MJO 8-1-2 and its relation to Anthony’s screen name ….. you hit us with 10. As always ….
  9. Okay Rob, which one are you? As alway ….
  10. Good morning Allsnow. My vintage postage stamp model cannot match the Nimbus and perhaps we are fortunate that the the severity of their airmass is also unmatched. I doubt the city will ever have an event as pictured in the second photo. Stay well, as always ….
  11. Good morning Liberty, Allsnow. I’ve read that the oceans absorb much of the carbon output. If the oceans are sentient perhaps what is being experienced could be called justice. If they are not then the effects may be more in the realm of self fulfilling prophecy. Stay well, as always …..
  12. Please RAI …. Don’t do it …… As always …..
  13. Agreed, a strange sequence. I shoveled the inch or so of accumulation and treated the stairs and walk. Some other folks may have figured that our usual warming would do the job for them. The consistent 20’s and light rain with a very brief after period of larger flake snow dictated otherwise. Below are photos of my row house steps a few hours after shoveling and treatment. The evergreen shows further evidence, with sagging branch ice accretion. I hope the next event is purer as to whatever type of precipitation occurs. Stay well, as always.
  14. Things could be worse. Stay well, as always ….
  15. Good afternoon frostfern. I agree and understand having a splay foot with a 7E width on one and 6E on the other. I was advised to purchase the largest width I could find, which was 6 E. I was also advised to buy one size larger than my actual. In my case I bought size 9. I have to say, for me and being in my 8th decade, it worked. The extra size gave me the additional width I needed and yet the shoe did not feel loose to the foot. Stay well and warm, as always …. .
  16. Flakes falling with a brisk wind over the postage stamp. My seniors best temperature gauge is betting against any quick accumulation. Stay well everyone, as always …. IMG_7089.mov
  17. Good morning WIN. I go back to the 50’s and 60’s. A heavy snow warning was given for an anticipated 4 inches of snow. Early TV forecasts by Dave Garroway and Jack Lescoulie were Quite different from today. Stay, as always.
  18. Good morning everyone. As per NOAA/NWS, CPK had 15 hours of measurable precipitation, total 1.95”. 1.47” occurred during a 6 hour period between 18:51 and 00:51. Lowest barometric pressure, 982.1/29.03 reported at 04:51. Highest wind/gust, E15/G30 reported 19:51. On a lighter note …. After reading Will’s response to Walt in the January thread ….. we may have to sink that buoy. Stay well all, as always. ….
  19. Good afternoon SMLI. I just read that the last light keeper, in the nation, has retired. She was at the Boston Light. I pray you have many years left for your dream to come true. Chronologically mine will always remain as a dream until I can dream no more. May you reach your light by rail, someday. As always …..
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