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Everything posted by rclab

  1. A friend of mine said, after I was trying to explain what I obviously didn't understand, " cut the crap and use this" he handed me a weather rock. Told me to put it in a clear open area and if it's wet it's raining, white it's snowing, if dry, I can figure out for myself. He did have a point, at least, where I'm concerned.
  2. Even with 15 hours to go, this should receive Banter Post Of The Day award.
  3. I grew tomatoes yearly when I was young. I would always have to battle the green horn worms. They got to be real big and could strip kill a good healthy plant quickly. The birds were my natural ally. I recall seeing a Cardinal doing battle with one. The plant shook like it was in an earthquake until the bird, with the worm draped out of both sides of its beek, staggered into the air with dinner for the next week. Are they still a problem like they were fifty years ago?
  4. I remember when leaves were still burned in piles on the city streets. Great aroma. Than street cleaning with alternate side of the street parking took effect. Well, at least leaf burning never seemed as dangerous as Christmas tree burning, common also 60+ years ago.
  5. Oh for a breath of that fresh scented air.
  6. How sad for those in your sphere who lost their chance. I will not lose mine.
  7. The hills you grace are eternal so why not you........
  8. I'm older,my love, therefore your the second. I am still mourning web tv.
  9. "Even from dust men can rise" that's why even I still have hope. I wish you, as always, the best.
  10. Well at least you can't be accused of being a one %er.
  11. I hope not an end but sadly, it still makes you wonder.......
  12. Blessings on your day and the 50 plus happy years ahead of you. Ive been doing it for 45 years with a very courageous women.
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