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About rclab

  • Birthday 04/27/1947

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Cobble Hill, 11231

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  1. If you fellows pull this off (sorry about the pun) ……. You know this will probably happen …… As always …..
  2. ‘Chaos’ absolutely agree ….. if the atmosphere evolves with an uncountable number of possibilities and if when several join they move in a direction that leads to a finite number of probabilities, to me that is chaos or to we pedestrians ‘luck’. Thank you and others for your posts. They help me think and combat brain fog for another day. As always ….
  3. Please everyone ….. just stick with the ice cream. As always ……
  4. Perhaps there isn’t ……… as always ….
  5. Thank you jb and Liberty. Your posts gave me a surge in adrenaline ( used to be hormones ). Unfortunately none of my initial responses would/could have gotten by the censors. Stay well and fed, as always …..
  6. Good morning Liberty. Water restriction during a drought, in the cities of the future, may still have brush fire concerns. Stay well and hydrated,. As always ….
  7. Thank you Tip …. What little grey matter I had left needed some exercise …..
  8. Thank you RAIB. My chances for age onset dementia have decreased thanks to the imaginative mental excessive you and other fine forum members provide. As always …
  9. Liberty, Ma Nature did. A cold front. As always ….
  10. You’re an inspiration, NSW. At my age the only way I’ll empty my bucket list is by kicking it. Stay well, as always ….
  11. Well done, RAIB. With your wordage you may attract a new and enthusiastic group to the climate discussion. As always ….
  12. Please reconsider …. It could be dangerous. As always …
  13. Blue …. Since earth is the likely fungus source. As always ….
  14. Snowing on Cobble Hill/Red Hook Brooklyn. As always … IMG_1161.mov
  15. A mixture of snow and sleet in Cobble Hill/Red Hook, Brooklyn. Please stay safe if you’re out and about, as always …. IMG_1153.mov
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