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Everything posted by Rvarookie

  1. Come on man. Let’s just close the blinds and meet back here next winter. Please?
  2. Who will be the last one standing for winter?
  3. Today was a good one. Can’t wait until tomorrow
  4. Put some ny strips on the grill tonight to celebrate
  5. Little exhausted down here after being on the lower end each time, but still enjoyed all the tracking and what little did accumulate. Just feels like not our year and if so let’s just start firing the grills up. Also my face is getting tired of 7am runs in 20s…
  6. Filled up the propane tank and going to grill some burgers tonight. Cant wait for spring!
  7. Weird to see ground produce better than radar?
  8. Always wondered if models account for time of day? Feels like this is one where you maximize the precip
  9. Don’t want a dry slot on a Friday night…feels like a country song
  10. Man I step away for few days and the posts go to shit.
  11. I self-moderated my posts to save Mappy work and be respectful of the thread. Hope you enjoyed dinner man
  12. Solid little event. Can’t put up big numbers down here, but least we still get some lovin
  13. Time of day def hurt us. As it got dark things piled up much better. Although we have missed out in comparison to others lately, I still appreciate the eye candy we had so far this season
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