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Everything posted by Rvarookie

  1. Roads were fine but was a pain to get into car. Skating rink everywhere
  2. Thanks for dropping the knowledge! Awesome write up
  3. My snow/sleet/mix bag of goodies from last night is already crusted and perfect for sledding in RVA, so I’ll pass on the ice storm. Also I’m little upset that these maps now always cut off at short pump instead of RVA
  4. Finally got in some good rates but still can’t shake the sleet/mix. Regardless still nice to look at it and hopefully able to salvage some sledding tomorrow
  5. Yeh man think we on life support just like that Roanoke radar
  6. Probably just stationing here to see where or if ice storm happens
  7. @psuhoffmanany thoughts on how this evolves for us folks down here?
  8. I either need some snow or 70s
  9. Seems like nam handled first wave well, so hopefully it shows us some love
  10. She got to me too man, but I don’t think she can help it. I think she just lacks the self awareness to even realize how much she sucks. I feel bad for her
  11. Should we be concerned with the trends? It feels like we are bleeding a lil too much now
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