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Everything posted by Rvarookie

  1. Im smelling 60s while they chasing pixies
  2. Sucks to see the cold rain after 3 beautiful days, but makes it easier knowing winter is done. Can’t wait to see the trees fill in and the flowers bloom.
  3. Oh yeh that’s a good one. Grabbed card from VA, but no flower here yet. Likely make trip up to DC for my flower needs soon
  4. Sucks things havent work out so much lately, but the many pages of discussion and banter are always good x’s and very much appreciated especially during these crazy times.
  5. Shorts, flops, and grillin and chillin. Can’t freaking wait
  6. At some point y’all will need to sacrifice Ji to the weather gods to get snow around here. Bad juju
  7. Not sure I’ll escape this one with power.
  8. Tempted to reserve hotel room for few days in case lose power. Just not too confident with how this ice will play out
  9. I’d rather have this then a toddler take off his diaper and drop some turd balls all over carpet. Can’t imagine the party around here if lose power...
  10. I think i was spared with just a warning but yeh no timeouts needed here
  11. If you lost power and had to be stuck living with either Ji or Trix who would you pick?
  12. Thanks I suspect at this point we won’t really know what’s in the bag of goodies or how much of each type until it falls. I know it def felt cold out there for full sun
  13. Is it trending drier? Or shifting precip elsewhere?
  14. Freaking off runs I guess tonight will be the typical Ji pre-storm meltdown? Can’t wait to read it later!
  15. Any thoughts on wind for down in RVA? It wasn’t windy at all last week during ice, but suspect this one looks little breezier which could add more stress
  16. Hoping folks that haven’t cashed in much this year get some lovin from this one.
  17. Might as well enjoy it instead of fighting it. Just make sure to stock up on liquor since abc bailed on us last go around
  18. I’ll take ice over cold rain. It was pretty cool to experience but having power likely made it fun lol
  19. My neighborhood looked so rough this AM. Can’t imagine how it would have been if the ice happened overnight. My electricity and heat were extra appreciated today
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