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Everything posted by Rvarookie

  1. I’m surprised y’all haven’t progressed from beer to liquor by now…
  2. Def need to bring back the panic room
  3. I panic when I see snow. No snow is just bau these days
  4. Mulched that shit up! See them bastids next week
  5. Dang they don’t even delete mine. Your post must be pretty rough…
  6. Are you a leaf bagger or leaf mulcher?
  7. Flannel pjs on and bong in hand
  8. Sounds cool, but how do we get a storm threat?
  9. Sunny fall weather is ok. Rainy fall weather sucks ass
  10. Thanks so much. I haven’t caught a game since arenas/Jamison/butler days. I guess these days probably easier to Uber although my 2yo would probably dig the metro. I can be further away from the arena was just looking for something that is simple to stumble back to lol. I’ll check out both of those options you recommended. Appreciate it
  11. It’s been a few since been up to DC for anything besides good smoke, so was hoping for some guidance on hotels close to cap one arena to catch wizards game. Looking for Indoor pool/close to fam friendly food spots and easy metro access. Thanks
  12. Nice fresh air flowing through the house
  13. After having multiple kids and going pumpkin patch for many many years, you get smarter and realize the grocery store is much better option
  14. I hope I can rock the flip flops until February. So beautiful out. Great running weather
  15. I’ll take this until end of year.
  16. Feels amazing out. May as well stay like this through winter if it’s not going to snow
  17. No scientific evidence but this has to be our year right?
  18. Here comes the leaves. Much rather cut grass every couple days then get leaves up
  19. Nice to have a light stout option
  20. Feels like good day to drink earlier and more than usual while eating so much crappy food that my wife has to roll me to bed around 7pm. Rinse and repeat until sun comes out
  21. Great pic but your dog has that “jeez dad” look…
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