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Everything posted by WVclimo

  1. The past 10 days or so, the number of tests has been significantly higher than before. But in the US it looks we are still testing, on average, about 250,000 people a day in that time. Overall, about 1 in 6 of all the tests performed since Day 1 has resulted in a confirmed case. To achieve 200,000 new cases a day, we may need to test 1,200,000 a day to locate them. That seems a long way from where we are now, but I hope we can expand our testing capability that rapidly.
  2. The startling part of that NY Times article to me was this: The projections, based on modeling by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and pulled together in chart form by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases now. Are we expected to even have this level of testing capability a month from now ?
  3. Have been hoping to hear this. Good news.
  4. 1.25" from yesterday's event puts me at 6.04" for April.
  5. CONSAll is a blend of all available deterministic models and guidance.
  6. Over a half inch in the bucket so far. Chilly rain at 45 degrees.
  7. Virginia now with the fewest tests per million people of any state, according to the worldometers.info site.
  8. After running more than 6 degrees above normal through Jan-Feb-Mar, MRB is -1.1 for April. Only two 70 degree days so far this month, versus the 5 we had in March.
  9. Had a wind gust of 50 mph earlier this afternoon.
  10. 27° with heavy frost here
  11. Sorry to hear that this damned virus found your family. I hope your father continues to see improvement and your mom can avoid the sickness altogether. The place I am working in Virginia was deemed essential, though its kind of a stretch to see how, lol. So my daily routine hasn't changed much, other than trying to help the family through their feelings of isolation. We have been doing quite a bit of hiking and biking to keep the kids motivated and get everybody out of the house regularly. The kids are looking forward to warmer weather and getting the pool open. And the wife is anxious to get vegetables in the ground.
  12. Thanks Trix. I missed that. Hope all is well for you and yours.
  13. Governor Justice enlisted the National Guard to help with the backlog of unemployment claims. At that point they were 90,000 cases behind. I read that they are now able to process 6,000 a day, so looking like two weeks just to clear the backlog before new claims which are steadily filling in also.
  14. Just caught up on this thread and am struck by how different things are here in WV from the rest of the subforum. We have had 100 cases so far in Berkeley County. But no more than 10% of people at most are wearing masks in public. I see people congregating with no regard to keeping 6' between them. Still smoking cigarettes near the entrances of stores. They finally shut down the local ice cream stand in the past week after many complaints on social media about 30-50 people in lines without any separation from each other at peak hours. But the rest of the stores like WalMart, Lowe's etc are packed. None of the employees at any of the stores are wearing masks or gloves either. I still go to work every day as I always have. My kids have been off from school though since mid-March and twice they have had three weeks worth of assignments uploaded on Dojo that they need to complete and upload to Schoology. But neither my junior in high school or my 5th grader have had any instruction from their teachers. My fifth graders' teacher has scheduled two 15-minute sessions on Zoom in six weeks, both times she read aloud to the kids while wearing pajamas. My high schooler can't even get her teachers to respond to questions. At all. officially our schools are only closed through this coming Monday. The governor hasn't made any pronouncements for beyond 4/20. A close friend was laid off and applied for WV unemployment benefits on March 23. Still hasn't had her claim processed more than three weeks later. Seeing all you folks staying home and all the rules Governor Hogan has put in place is a stark contrast to the day-to-day here in Wild, Wonderful..
  15. Getting rocked here with high wind and torrential rain.
  16. Booming thunder, frequent lightning and wind gusts above 40 mph with a line of thunderstorms that just moved through here.
  17. Monthly mean temperature departures so far this year at MRB: Jan +6.1 Feb +6.1 Mar +6.2
  18. Nice thundershower going on here this morning. Frequent lightning. No wind though.
  19. Another dry day. 12% RH is about as low as it gets in this part of the country. High of 61 after a morning low of 17.
  20. Low temp was 10 here this morning. Coldest reading of the winter.
  21. A few stray flurries blowing around this morning here. 30°
  22. Picked up 0.2” of snow overnight. Flurries now at 35 degrees.
  23. Barometer at 29.03" and crashing here this morning. Been quite a while since I have seen a reading that low.
  24. After yesterday's record high at MRB, today's high fell 2° short of another record. Should still break the record for the highest minimum for the date. Previous record warm low was 41 from 1952. So far, the low for today is 59! Forecast is for 46 by midnight.
  25. Record high of 68 at Martinsburg today bested the 65 from 1991. 10 years ago at this time it was a different story.
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