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Everything posted by WVclimo

  1. I’ve picked up about 2 and a half inches of rain in the past six weeks. Not the best start to the growing season.
  2. A pop up storm with booming thunder is now dropping rain 3 miles to my east, lol.
  3. Heavy rain missed my yard by about 3 miles as it approached from the SW and then scooted by to the west and northwest. Nice gusty winds at least knocked back the heat. Looks like I will be watering this evening.
  4. Mid-morning discussion from LWX mentioned unsettled weather from the weekend through early next week. Afternoon forecast for here has wall-to-wall sunshine from Friday through Tuesday.
  5. 0.02" here today. Looks like we will finish with the driest May in this area since 2007.
  6. We planted our vegetables two weeks ago tomorrow. That weekend we had enough rain to wet the ground (0.05" total from a couple of light showers) and 0.41" more the following Friday. Now this week we have managed to total 0.20" from three events since Wednesday evening (0.02" today.) Even though a few things are growing, it's not nearly where it could be had we had more luck with the rain. Unless something can pop this evening it looks like I'll be watering this weekend.
  7. Spent much of the day hiking in Shenandoah National Park. From Thornton Gap entrance to Big Meadows was socked in with fog reducing visibilty to near zero at times, a steady mist/drizzle and 57°
  8. Planted everything on Saturday. Had enough rain on Sunday to wet the ground but very little since. Wish the wedge would ease a little as there are good showers just off to my W/SW that the seeds could use.
  9. Showers around this morning and 59 degrees. Rare to hit on a 20% POP.
  10. Warm muggy night in rural WV with neighborhood fireworks going off from several directions. Guess it’s the pre-Memorial Day weekend celebration ? Actually it will be every weekend from now through the summer. Not sure the stands are open so these must be from surplus stock ?
  11. Still 80 here at the 8:53 p.m. ob, after a high of 85. Had to put on the AC. Looking forward to a week of 60’s/ 70’s and soaking rain.
  12. Laying in all the vegetables this weekend. Late start this year, but it worked out with all the freezing weather in May so far. Haven't grown potatoes in a few years, but we recovered a large (50'x8') raised bed that we had let grow over and added some additional soil and peat last weekend. Should yield a fair amount of Yukon golds if the bugs leave us alone. Two other 50'x50' patches are turned and have trenches dug ready to plant beans and onions, and hills mounded for squash, cukes, melons, cantaloupes. Tomatoes and peppers doing well in the cold house. Hoping the soil warms soon, as we are putting them in the ground Saturday as well. All the lettuces and herbs being grown in trays and pots/ buckets this year.
  13. A frosty 28 degrees here this morning.
  14. Looks like MRB tied the record for the coldest high temperature for any day in the month of May. Previous dates with a high of 48: 5/1/1963 5/3/1945 5/6/1958 On May 12, 2008 MRB had a high of 49, the latest sub-50 high on record.
  15. 48 for a high here. Looks like the same at MRB which breaks the record for the date by 3 degrees. One of the colder days I have ever spent on the lawn tractor with wind chills in the 30’s and wind gusts consistently 35-40 mph.
  16. Flurries blowing around on a gusty wind. 43 degrees
  17. Soaking rain here now at 49 degrees. The airport hit 53 earlier this afternoon, missing today's low max record by 2 degrees. My high was 51.
  18. Going forecast would threaten both low max and low min readings for this area for Saturday. Records for both at MRB are from 1947 with a high of 51 and a low of 28
  19. Briefly fell to 33 degrees overnight before rising before dawn. Had a thin coating of ice on the windshield this morning. Freeze watch out for tomorrow night.
  20. I don’t recall anything from those years, though I know we had a snowfall in 1994 around the 18th of March and then Spring finally arrived with 80° temperatures a few days later. Here is March 1990 at BWI with the very early heat wave from 3/12-16 followed by accumulating snow on the 20th, 24th and 25th.
  21. I saw it go the other way in March 1990. There were three days of temps in the upper 80’s followed by a dump of wet snow a couple of days later. I was in Rockville and the snow accumulated on grass, trees and car tops during the day.
  22. I saw a coating of snow in the high elevations of Garrett County in late May in 1975. The previous day was warm, but thunderstorms and hail moved in late in the afternoon followed by sharply colder temps overnight. I was in 6th grade, staying in a cabin for what was then referred to as "outdoor school," when we spent a week at a camp. No heat in the cabins and none of us had prepared for freezing temps.
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