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Everything posted by WVclimo

  1. Have friends who just moved into their new waterfront home on the Northern Neck yesterday. Guess they will learn right away what a one-in-20 year flood looks like at their new property.
  2. 99 at MRB at the 3:00 reading. 98 in my yard.
  3. Sorry fir the late reply. The rain ended right around the time of my post but for most of the prior 45 minutes it was probably a top 3 event for torrential rain in the 15 years I’ve been at this location.
  4. 2.12” of rain in 45 minutes here. Flooding all around.
  5. High of 66. Seventh day in a row with a sub-70 high temperature.
  6. Getting a shower of something frozen. Splats on the windshield like large snowflakes. Temperature dropped to 43
  7. Been raining here much of the afternoon. Closing in on 3" of rain since Friday.
  8. Torrential rain and some dime-sized hail now. Wind still ripping.
  9. It’s rocking pretty good here with some loud thunder and strong gusty winds. Temp has already fallen 10 degrees as the rain begins.
  10. Was surprised to find 1.51” in the gauge this morning. Knew it rained heavily before dawn but that was more than I expected.
  11. Just like that, down to 34 degrees
  12. Pouring big flakes here. 37 degrees.
  13. A snowy day is forecast for the mountains. LWX going with 2-4” for Garrett, W Grant and W Pendleton Cos. PBZ going with 3-5” for Davis/ E Tucker Co.
  14. Some decent gusts and brief torrential rainfall with the line here. It’s moving through quickly. No thunder or lightning.
  15. My sixth grader has had quite a tumultuous school year. Attended school 2 days a week for the first 6 weeks, then had 13 weeks of remote learning when the schools closed. Followed by 3 weeks of 2 days a week again, and then finally got back to 5 days a week for the past 6 weeks which made a world of difference for him. Best we have seen him do in a year. Yesterday we got word he had close contact with a COVID-positive student and was being quarantined from school for 10 days. Which actually will be almost 3 weeks since his time ends at the beginning of a week-long Spring break. I told him he should shoot for straight A’s in the last quarter as an FU to the whole damned pandemic. He liked the idea. Hope he stays healthy and motivated.
  16. WV continues to do an excellent job of getting the COVID vaccines administered. With the exception of my 12 year-old son, our whole household has had a shot. I got my first shot on the 8th, mother-in-law had hers on the 9th, and yesterday my wife (39 year-old daycare provider) and daughter (17 year-old with asthma) got their first jabs.
  17. Martinsburg reported a temp/dew point this afternoon of 59/1 with 9% RH.
  18. Yep. The wording for the areas in the purple (Extreme) category on this map spells out the potential impacts pretty well.
  19. Lots of focus on Colorado, but Wyoming looks like ground zero for this one. Here is Laramie's forecast. Check out the winds.
  20. At least it caps the number of NY and BOS fans that can take over the yard. Wonder what those cities are doing ?
  21. No doubt another season of high heat will be tough to take. It's the only type of weather we are guaranteed every year. Gets harder the older I get.
  22. That's the one I am hoping has a shot. Couple things to like with the setup as progged so far out. And I'll be at Deep Creek Lake at that time, where March snow isn't uncommon.
  23. Helps to be the boss too. The guy I work for stopped by my office this morning to say that he was pulling his kids out of school and heading for Winter Park today to powder chase. Returning Tuesday.
  24. Frosty 17 degrees here this morning.
  25. Just came in from a long walk. That wind is pretty fierce. NW 21 G33. 36 degrees.
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