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Everything posted by WVclimo

  1. Discussion of the models’ performance (with some 20th century maps) leading into Jan 1996, from pgs. 19-30 https://www.weather.gov/media/publications/assessments/bz-mrg.pdf
  2. I never emotionally invest in a storm… until RuggieWx is on board.
  3. I’m kind of expecting a big snow in the Carolinas out of this upcoming pattern.
  4. Light freezing rain and 30°. Glaze on car tops and some elevated surfaces.
  5. High of 27 for the second day in a row. Barometer crested at 30.66” this morning. I rarely see higher pressure than that here.
  6. 5.5” with moderate snow. Looks like another hour or so before the good stuff cuts off here. Should easily pass 6”. Overperformer for sure for the season’s first snowfall.
  7. I was inside the Beltway in College Park at ~300’ elev. Got way too much sleet. Only time 19” ever felt like a let down lol.
  8. Didn’t see it mentioned but this is the anniversary of the Blizzard of ‘96.
  9. I think Evan Kuchera’s formula just uses temperature at various levels of the column to determine ratios. Don’t believe wind is a component but maybe one of the pros here knows better.
  10. Maximum fluff factor with this one. With no wind, have had some really large agglomerates here for most of the event. Even so, pretty sure I’ll end up with more liquid than any model’s forecasted QPF.
  11. Interested to see that myself. Have two 4” gauges in different spots in the yard. I’ll post the LE when it ends.
  12. 4.5” on the snow board with more to come. Between heavier bands at the moment, but still a steady snow falling. down to 29°.
  13. Just pouring giant flakes here for the past hour. Accumulating quickly and roads finally starting to cave.
  14. Light snow has started. 35 degrees. Snow started reaching the ground with a RH of 52%. Pretty rare.
  15. PDO index is in for December. Lowest OND readings since the mid-1950’s. Pretty cool if we can get any kind of decent winter with these values leading in: OCT -3.13 NOV -2.72 DEC -2.73 https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/cmb/ersst/v5/index/ersst.v5.pdo.dat
  16. https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&issuedby=LWX&product=PNS&format=CI&version=1&glossary=0&highlight=off
  17. Never saw a single flake here. Happy for the folks in the metro areas and south and east.
  18. Depending on the location in your yard, you may want to mark the spot where the snowboard is with a stake, in the event you get a heavy accumulation.
  19. Goalposts tightening. At 12Z MRB was 0.40” QPF. Looks like <0.20” at 18Z
  20. That’s the second record high this month at MRB. Also hit 69° on the 2nd for a record high.
  21. 0.32” of precip here in the past 4 weeks. Dry is the worst weather.
  22. Light snow/ sleet mix here. 37 degrees.
  23. A few flakes falling here. First of the season. 37°
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