The Icon looks just like the storm we had on Tuesday. The one that all models were painting a foot or more across the northern counties for days until they corrected south.
Tired of this loop.
Not sure exactly where the Knickerbocker storm was measured. Probably the National Weather Bureau site on M St., but could’ve been at the Signal Service offices on G St.,next to Lafayette Square. Both sites reported DC obs during the 1920’s.
I’m usually pretty happy when I get snow. But seeing it fall for 18 straight hours on Tuesday to only eke out 2” while the eastern shore got slammed AGAIN wore me down. If models still look like this on Sunday, I’ll probably have to take a break from the board.
Hours of freezing drizzle has iced up the snow cover here. 0.05” has accumulated so far. 31°
Not a breath of wind since the snow stopped, so trees and power lines still have all their snow.