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Everything posted by WVclimo

  1. 0.06” yesterday. 0.40” for July.
  2. Rain is missing here today so far, as it has all week.
  3. No idea what was going on with MRB in July 1936, though I’ve seen these same temps listed in all the climate records I have found. Considering temps were 10 to 18° lower at HGR on a couple of these days, I would discount these.
  4. July 23-24, 2010 had back-to-back 101’s Last time MRB was above 100 was July 29, 2011 at 102. A week earlier, July 22, 2011 was 103.
  5. Sunny skies all day here. Comfortable temps though.
  6. Just had a very localized shower that wet the ground. 91° temp didn’t budge though, and with humidity rising to 68% have a current HI of 108°.
  7. Getting a nice, welcome downpour here but no wind, thunder or lightning.
  8. It was a lot of fun. The O’s are 3-0 in games we’ve attended this year. Wins of 13-4 over the Angels, 7-0 over Oakland and now 17-5 in NY. My son said we had better attend every game if they are playing in the postseason.
  9. Heat advisory for my neck of the woods tomorrow. HI up to 103. NWS going for highs of 98, 99 and 98 Fri-Sun here.
  10. My son and I will be attending the Orioles-Yankees Thursday afternoon game in the Bronx. We are going to cook. Hope the beer’s cold.
  11. Closing in on 1.50” of rain from a slow moving cell the last hour. Some decent thunder and lightning but not really much in the way of wind.
  12. Clear skies and 45° this morning.
  13. Clear as a bell here now after a heavy rain earlier. Stayed socked in all night last night so hoping for a repeat.
  14. Some flurries blowing around here this morning. 34°.
  15. Legit snow squall now. Sheets of snow whipping through. Knocked the temp down to 37.
  16. Sideways snow flurries blowing through on 40+ mph winds. 41°.
  17. Just hit an inch of rain for the day, with heavier radar returns moving this way. Flood warning for tomorrow for the Opequon. Expecting other creeks in the area to be at bank full.
  18. Over 0.50” already with moderate rain falling. 38°.
  19. Forecast for here tomorrow shows a 22° drop in 6 hours, a 32° change in 9 hours, 38° in 12 hours and a 41° fall in 15 hours, from 3 p.m. through 6 a.m. Thursday. Windchills drop 55° in that time.
  20. I am the farthest thing from a scientist, but I can't say that I can fully accept the suggestion that winters in our area have become so much warmer now that the likelihood of future snowy winters is past us. I go on LWX's site and look at temperature records for the past century, expecting to see a hockey stick-like rise recently that bears that out. And all I see are mean winter temps within the same range they have remained all of that time. Yes, the last 10 winters have been mild. Not as mild overall as 1930-39, or 1995-2004. But beyond the short-term cycles, what about this data leads one to subscribe to the idea that it's become too warm in our area to snow going forward? There is a trendline dotted on the graph after all.
  21. I’m not in Winchester, but in my yard 5 of the past 11 seasons were >30” 2013-14: 52.4” 2014-15: 36.7” 2015-16: 40.8” 2018-19: 37.0” 2020-21: 31.6” long-term average is 26.5”
  22. Rolling thunder here. Haven’t seen any flashes. Pouring rain at 37°.
  23. I think we got about 10” from that storm in western Maryland. I remember turning on the DC area morning newscasts and the broadcasters were in shock. So was I. And very envious.
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