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Everything posted by canderson

  1. No anemometer but a MASSIVE wind gust just hit midtown Harrisburg and moved a Dumpster prob 8’. It’s been gusty all day but that had to be 55+.
  2. Nice, Mag! Euro looked to be a solid 1-3" for most everyone south of I-80.
  3. Good luck. This has VA special written all over it and us getting an inch or two over a full day. Lots of time though but that high pressure is uncomfortable in its location imo.
  4. I have a fear with this weekend storm. With a 1040 high sitting over us couldn't that very easily kill any northern edge of precip and suppress this storm south? For instance, take a look at the 0z GFS ensemble and I think that's what it's depicting.
  5. Euro looks to get 2" or so inches up to MDT for Sunday. It's still a Virginia special mostly it appears.
  6. My guess for the Sunday storm: it won’t snow >1” north of the PA/MD border.
  7. Today was the first day since December 10 it didn’t reach 40 degrees at MDT.
  8. Take the wind away today and it’d be warm. This SUCKS.
  9. They’re all backloaded now it seems. December and January are the new October.
  10. Until cold air breaks into middle New York, winter is dead.
  11. MDT finished 2018 with 67.03” rain, 6.7” below the 2011 record.
  12. Probably closer to Georgia. But at least 2018 is going out with rain. It’s fitting.
  13. I miss winter. It’s been basically April this month. And it looks more and more like January won’t deliver any winter or cold the first 10 or so days at least either.
  14. More rain. MDT will end the 2nd wettest year ever but really it’s the wettest. 2011’s rain came in a two week period between Irene and Lee (like 29” or something). The number of rainy days in 2018 has to be like double that of 2011.
  15. Hope we score the first week of January cause if not we are in for a long snow drought
  16. Hey @Voyager how the hell did this happen today in HBG on the 83 ramp???
  17. My nephew is on the Post Oak (TX) team. They should whip most teams in Williamsport - they’re absolutely loaded.
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