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Everything posted by canderson

  1. That Euro has 1.7” OF FREEZING RAIN to our south (say, Baltimore). That’s be a catastrophe never seen before.
  2. A Camp Hill spotter repotted 3.5”. I call shenanigans.
  3. Shoveled and this snow has a sleet-like texture to it here. Bizarre.
  4. Looks around 1.75-2” or so but haven’t officially measured. Pretty out. Lets hope next weekend isn’t a massive rainstorm like a few 0z models depicted. But damn does it get cold after that. Euro has most of PA below 0 it looks like.
  5. Eyeballing .75” or so. Maybe a little more, hard to tell.
  6. Had to run to the store to grab an ingredient for dinner and it’s chaos. Like, people are expecting a blizzard and not a ~2” snow. What the hell.
  7. I’ll be ecstatic if I can get 2.5”. Seems like no matter what model change MDT hasn’t budged for .15-.2” qpf. Crazy that parts of VA will have a foot and half more snow than this subforum this time tomorrow.
  8. It really looks and feels like snow. Sun has given way to ominous snow clouds.
  9. Popping in from Harrisburg. Good luck to you guys - hope someone hits 7” in the sub. We will be up here sweating the cutoff.
  10. CTP doesn’t put the WWA up for Dauphin or Lancaster or anyone N/NE. Anyone SW has it.
  11. Think ratios will be that high to turn .2 or .3 into that?
  12. Horst sticking with C-2" for the LSV. Seems right to me.
  13. We have to be in Philly at noon Sunday so honestly I'm a bit glad this will be a non-event for the most part.
  14. Ha! Yea it's barely worth tracking - 1" snow over 20 hours or so? I mean, any snow falling is good snow but watching someone in Virginia get 5-6" again will hurt. Let's hope the fabled upcoming pattern doesn't bust like that one in December!
  15. MAG, the overnight Euro was horrible for PA but do you still believe this will naturally pop/expand north a bit or is that high just too strong and in the wrong position?
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