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Everything posted by canderson

  1. I'll take the 2" and call it a day if need be. February hopefully is more promising!
  2. Unfortunately the QB is Christian Hackenberg and not Randall Cunningham.
  3. Fat lady warming up her vocal chords for this weekend. Unless you like creek flooding. Bummer. :/
  4. GFS long range is just cutter after cutter after cutter it appears.
  5. A few days ago I joked we'd get more snow Thursday night than all weekend. Turns out, that's looking to be right.
  6. He's also in a Twitter fight with some met from NJ who says we might get 2' of snow. Horst said it's impossible.
  7. At least the severe ice situation appears to be not materializing.
  8. CTP discussion for this weekend is worth a read IMO:
  9. You guys are posting a ton about a rainstorm this weekend. Someone thoughshould check on Voyager, he might off himself with this pattern.
  10. I can't wait until we get more snow Thursday night than this weekend. /ducks
  11. I mean plain rain - sleet happens of course. That 16 storm thankfully I kept out of pretty much any sleet - that mix line was right at MDT iirc.
  12. When is the last time we went from snow>rain>back end of snow? Backend snow here is pretty rare.
  13. uh oh Thanks for the pbp, too. It's MUCH appreciated!
  14. Would 15 other people want to chime in to tell me I was wrong?
  15. I'd think the intensity would overcounter any ZR right? Isn't ZR with heavy rain rates basically impossible?
  16. GFS give MDT nearly half a foot of snow it appears, but probably gets washed away by heavy rain instantly.
  17. I'm 36. Keep the "old" talk to yourselves, geezers.
  18. It did, really most models did well (well I'm sure some in VA would strongly disagree but eh).
  19. Is the ICON a new map? I never remember it getting talked about prior to this year. Is it worthy to look at closely or is like the SREFs and NAM and etc?
  20. Is it to early to extrapolate the NAM to 640 hours?!
  21. Those really are the best. They're fun, can track, it's pretty for days, but it's not chaos to life like a 12+" storm is. If it's going to snow more than 5" to me it might as well drop 24".
  22. And the 0z Euro is rain and the 40s. Nice jump from 12z yesterday lol.
  23. CTP and Horst are bullish on the Thursday clippper.
  24. Looks like MDT officially came in at 1.9”. Nuisance storm was a nuisance.
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