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Everything posted by canderson

  1. Plain rain now. I’m tempted to go shovel this late since we are about done with anything frozen .
  2. Depending on the religion that’d be right in line. /rimshot
  3. Pretty much all sleet now. When is the cold air coming tomorrow ? Have to shovel this before it turns to ice blocks or I’m not getting my car out of the garage ...
  4. Looks about what I have here. 1.5”/hr or so rate helped tons.
  5. Fat flakes at heavy rates but there is sleet mixing in. Edit: sleet, duh, not rain
  6. Best rates of the day now. Look to be nearing 1”, at least 3/4”.
  7. Also snow falling is the greatest thing Mother Nature gives us. While this storm has been a pain in the ass, it’s still snowing a bit and I’m always appreciative
  8. You guys got f’d and didn’t even get dinner out of the deal.
  9. Man CTP has really shifted the zr forecast NW. <.1” for MDT but up to .25” for State College.
  10. Snow has picked up. Hope I can get 2” or maybe 3” before it flips.
  11. GFS and then HRRR ftw. BUT!!! This means anyone who posts ICON maps should get permabanned! So really it’s a win.
  12. Grid forecast for Harrisburg is now 1-2” snow/sleet and less that .1” zr. lolololololololololol
  13. Great movie. Green Book, go see it. Also massive, massssssive bust by CTP. Tomorriw should be a nice morn8g for a walk before the cold front hits.
  14. Snowing in HBG. Just walked into a movie so will be telling what’s happening when we get out at 4:30 pm.
  15. CTP just tweeted it’ll be lowering totals in its SE region. Since it’s still 36 degrees that’s be most prudent.
  16. Still at 36 here in HBG. I feel a huge bust incoming but time will tell.
  17. Just imagine how Flathead feels - he has to shovel the entire turnpike.
  18. Horst moved everything NW about 30 miles. Harrisburg 2-4”, anyone SE see rain. State Colege 6-12”.
  19. Reading it’s latest discussion, CTP is primarily using WPC/NBM/HREF for modeling this system.
  20. It reads like a funeral in his thread. Xanax much? CTP is on their own. They obviously have a reason. I don’t think Harrisburg gets that much snow (a lot of skeet probably) but we will know within 8 hours what’s happening.
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