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Everything posted by canderson

  1. This rain storm has epically collapsed. If it were cold we would be jumping off bridges at the drastic precip cutoff. Yesterday looked like 1” qpf - might not see .2” lol
  2. Went for a 3 mile walk at lunch. When I got back to the office I was pouring sweat. Currently 65.
  3. Probably will need some FFW headlines for Thursday. A good chunk of this forum will see 1"+ rain.
  4. Looks quite rainy late this week. Like old times. Also I will say the previous week and half were just a fun winter ride. The snow, while not much, was fun and the cold was real. That was a great winter period. I'm over 20" of snow so even if we're shut out going forward (which would SUCK) it's not like this winter was the worst thing ever.
  5. Basically any paved surface here that was hit by the sun is on its way to being snow-free after today, if it wasn’t in the sun tho not much melting. Hit 33 imby so a few degrees under forecast as well.
  6. Go check out the NE and MA threads - dire over there. I don’t buy it.
  7. I browsed LR threads in the other forums this morning and the consensus the past day or so seems like models say winter is nearly done. Thankfuly LR modems blow and imo are a waste of time and energy.
  8. 3 was my low overnight. Very impressive cold we had - maybe we can get another in late February?
  9. Measured ~1.75” at home in midtown hbg. Anyone around here have anything similar?
  10. Man roads are atrocious. I’m guessing HBG got 1-1.2”. Just in other words a normal night at @Atomixwx‘ house.
  11. How many feet are you from the Maryland border - less than 40'?
  12. Probably "best" snow of the day here for the past 30 minutes. Larger flakes and def more accumulation.
  13. I love it, honestly. Although roads are reallllly slick, rush hour might be brutal. A day-long snowglobe? Sign me up.
  14. Weather has been really bipolar for a while now. Only constant has been moisture, though that looks to be working itself away lately. Curious if we have a mini drought this spring/summer.
  15. Down here it doesn't look thick/solid enough to jam up - it's mainly smaller ice chunks that aren't fully connected to one another. Not sure about anything upstream though. Last year's river ice was epic. Bus-sized icebergs washed up on Front Street!
  16. Live view from my office window at the snowscape of downtown Harrisburg.
  17. Been snowing since around 6:45ish. A coating on everything - it's incredibly fine snow.
  18. CTP published low temp reports. I'll spoiler because it's long but it's worth checking out.
  19. Harrisburg officially hit -4 (not MDT, but HBG proper/Capital City Airport). My -1 was when I looked at 6:45 (I can't measure max/min, I should look into a real weather station I guess).
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