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Everything posted by canderson

  1. I don’t expect more than a sloppy 1” Friday but bring home the big storm Sunday, my friends!
  2. Don’t look at the NWS extended forecast for March. They’re calling for a toaster the second half of the month.
  3. At this moment Friday looks like if anything less than 1” and the early week dorm looks like it stays way south - like Virginia south.
  4. The High Wind Warning expired but they launched a Wind Advisory for us all until 10 p.m. Seems like the delay yesterday means the winds won't calm down before overnight which sucks because yea, winds at night is scary.
  5. It looks like a pretty unique set up, that's for sure. Would be cool to get another storm - unfortunately while March can hit big it can also be an end game unfortunately.
  6. I wasn't paying much attention, but did they get a lot more rain Saturday into Sunday than the rest of the state? We got some rain but barely enough to make a puddle overall.
  7. Not a tree but a telephone pole fell about an hour ago blocking alll three lanes on 2nd Street in midtown Harrisburg.
  8. I’m sorry but what municipality are in you again? I somehow forgot ....
  9. Just got back from MD - no wind in the drive at all but it’s starting to get breezy here in Harrisburg. Tomirriw is trash day - I’m skipping this week and we’ll just have an overflowing recycling bin next week. Better than it ending up in the river.
  10. Can anyone smarter than me say how frequent the high wind gusts will be? Sustained won’t be too bad but how frequent will the 50+mph winds mix down?
  11. I have a model question. How can they all nail a high wind event a week out without wavering yet for moisture they waffle all over god’s green earth even at the last moment (like tonight with northern PA not getting the rain amounts previously forecasted)?
  12. Women are wired different. Most of the time it’s for the better (muuuuuch better)!
  13. You don’t see this wind map every day. Great weekend if you’re a kite!
  14. Sunday afternoon we have to drive across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge - I should buy a GoPro for prosperity.
  15. Yesterday Flagstaff, Arizona, had 35.9” snow! @Voyager aren’t you headed there this weekend? Lol
  16. That looks like Erie actually got shut out. Is that true? Hard to fathom the state could get a massive storm and Erie of all places be dry.
  17. We have a history of big March events - and if the pattern is flipping like @MAG5035 has pointed out then ... there isn't any reason why we couldn't once again see a big snowmaker. March is the February as far as I'm concerned.
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