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Everything posted by canderson

  1. How cool. Congrats! Please tell me when the tornado will strike me tmrw.
  2. I’m totally on mobile and shitty East Texas internet speeds but are the storms still going to come through Saturday morning? I think those end up playing a role in how quick the energy can kick out.
  3. I’m back home in Longview this weekend. Saturday afternoon looks to be rocking around here.
  4. I just saw this, day late and dollar short (story of @Atomixwx' life).
  5. I didn't think it was bad yesterday - in fact I told my wife (not my fiance just my wife this time) that it didn't feel 79 degrees. I'm going to Texas Thursday and come back Monday. Probably get to see some severe Saturday as it's April and severe weather in east Texas in April is like wet weather in Pennsylvania in April.
  6. Where is the covered wagon parking at Hersheypark? I'd like to visit the horseys.
  7. We are in NYC this weekend and it’s been just perfect wandering around days. I love cold and snow but honestly 60 and sunny is hard to beat. Too bad we only get like 10 days each year like this.
  8. My post about models falling earlier - yea I’m an idiot and thought they were 12 hrs earlier than the forecast. If anyone needs math help, I’m your man.
  9. I legit had to grab a stop sign to not get knocked over by it this afternoon.
  10. The Euro has a massive -NAO for most of April (good timing right?) so expect a lot of 40 and rain.
  11. We are in a wildfire watch tomorrow. How exactly is that possible since we're already like a foot above normal precip this year?
  12. My wife is at IUP and said this morning they had an inch or so on the ground. I'm glad I put the brush back in the car for her Saturday when she left! If not I'd have been yelled at lol.
  13. A warm 76 today. We’ll be around 50 degrees colder tomorrow night lol.
  14. Wild animal would be my guess - a bear, maybe bigfoot himself.
  15. A few flakes perhaps - I'm not sure the moisture is here long enough for the temp drop but we have a few days to nail that down.
  16. Today’s 20% of light rain ended up as 4 hours of moderate rain that has caused minor road flooding.
  17. Come back if we ever get a severe threat (seems like it's been forever though since I've seen lightning here).
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