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Everything posted by canderson

  1. My 4 pm flight to BWI already delayed to 7:30, landing at 11:30. I’m not flyimg home tonight I’m pretty sure.
  2. Yea but that flight is stuck in Nashville. With the winds tonight I don’t see how BWI will have any inbound flights after say 8 pm.
  3. My 4 pm flight delayed until 7:30, landing at BWI 11:30 pm. lol sure. Yea I’m not getting home tonight.
  4. They just delayed my 4:45 pm take off to 6 pm. I’m not hopeful
  5. So what’s the over/under if my flight from Dallas lands at BWI at 8:55 pm? I’m thinking I’ll be stuck here overnight.
  6. I’m hearing 2 young kids killed in Franklin when a tree fell on a car. And they have a safari there and fences are down and animals escaped. Oops.
  7. So help me out guys. I just dodged tornadoes here in east Texas and for back to BWI tomorrow, landing around 9 pm. Am I going to be early enough to miss any potential severe ex?
  8. And it weakened so just heavy rain here and badass lightning, no wind. Thankfully the heavy spinning stuff went south.
  9. Storm that just came through Longview was meh. No wind, no hail. What we saw overnight was actually worse. All eyes on LA and eastern MS.
  10. That has to be a large TOR right SE of Appleby, Internet too poor to post the KLTV Radar I’m seeing on TV.
  11. Storm moving NE into Kilgore/Longview isn’t spinning but it looks to have decent hail. I’m in White Oak so will know in about 25 minutes.
  12. Thanks for the well wishes guys. So far we have been just north of any TOR. Had some small hail earlier and more than 4” rain so far today but nothing too bad (by Texas spring standards). There is a wicked line about 50 Millie’s SW that willhit is though so timewill tell.
  13. That storm between Cushing and Reklaw looks incredibly violent. It’s a very very rural region thankfully.
  14. Already there, really. Houston County is heavily pined.
  15. Crockett in the dead path of that confirmed tornado.
  16. TOR watch is interesting. It doesn’t cross north of 20 at all.
  17. The number of discreet cells this early currently all over Texas is highly disconcerting.
  18. FWIW I’m in Gregg County, Texas, today. Wish me luck, I prob need it.
  19. Everyone here knows about tomorrow - events being cancelled, etc. It’s a high risk without a SPC high risk mark already.
  20. Greetings from Gregg County - about dead center of this terror map. Ill be updating tmrw as much as I can.
  21. Outside Longview. Little place called White Oak.
  22. I grew up here (NE Texas) but moved away in 2006. The public hype for tomorrow is nothing I’ve seen here. I’m here for a wedding that’s at 4 p.m. Saturday. It’s outdoors. lol
  23. We land at 945 pm Sunday in Baltimore. If I survive tomorrow sunday’s flight and drive might be interesting
  24. Holy crap the 12z HRRR - look at it for Saturday afternoon in the Texas/Arkansas/Louisiana triangle. That’s where I am.
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