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Everything posted by canderson

  1. Yea they’re good. They’re on the WO/East Mountain/ border essentially
  2. Parents near Longview in a closet right now, TOR warning and they heard the low rumble sound.
  3. Wow. This summer likely will be one of our hottest, I’m guessing. Joy. Ugh.
  4. Never head this before - does it mean it’s a day with perf3ct weather hence increase tourism/business!
  5. Looking at the week ahead, some spots in the LSV / SE PA probably hit 80 Tuesday.
  6. Storms might actually mostly miss HBG unless it backbuilds to the direct south. Everything is west and they are moving almost due north.
  7. Radar showing a tornado in Mifflin County (I believe, RadarScope doesn’t show counties and I get all those confused)
  8. Sun’s out. Storms starting to fire SW of Gettysburg. Should strengthen and train as they move NE.
  9. It had to have been very exciting when Henry Ford invented his assembly line.
  10. F that. We never get gas in NJ because I’m not trusting my card and car to a total stranger.
  11. First of the rain has hit. If your basement floods prepare your pumps.
  12. Parents said those storms last night were worse than any they saw last weekend. I find that interesting.
  13. I read it as being much more unpredictable and seasonal changes are different than historical. Which we have seen here with winter being pushed back and back it seems.
  14. We slept in our car for 2 hours until the line passed Baltimore, got home at 6:30 or so. Took showers and went back to bed. Yesterday sucked.
  15. I made it to Baltimore! But am camping out at a hotel overnight instead of driving head first into that line on the way to Harrisburg.
  16. Landed in Baltimore. Not sure we are driving north into that line. It’s nasty.
  17. Warren got hit hard it appeared. We take off at 8, land at midnight. My drive to Harrisburg is REALLY going to suck cause we prob run head first into the second like. It’s worse than what just came through.
  18. True. As of now land at 11:25, so get to by around 1:15 am. Hope we can beat the intense rain rates.
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