when i get home I'll take a picture of the shoes I used while tilling my garden. I grew 3 inches from all the clay/soil stuck to the bottom of my shoes. my entire yard is wet not just my garden. I'm looking forward to things drying out
Not banter but an interesting read and part of it is happening right here in our back yard. Hopefully the increased computing capacity will make the GFS much more reliable in the 5 to 10 day range. https://www.noaa.gov/media-release/us-to-triple-operational-weather-and-climate-supercomputing-capacity
was hoping id get to use the new tractor in the snow this year which never happened. At least I will be using the new tractor with the new 72" john deere finishing mower sooner rather than later.
No, there is no fun here. How many times this winter have we seen a something out in fantasy land that gets the board chirping only to see it disappear a couple of runs later. When I say disappear, I mean a complete 180 from one run to the next.
We had snizzle earlier and a one crash of thunder at about 4pm out here in Warrenton. I was up in the attic installing a new bathroom fan when i heard the crash of thunder! so would that be thundersnizzile? Can i trademark that one?