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Everything posted by PCT_ATC

  1. Oddly enough I worked there 1998 to 2008. Transferred out to Potomac Tracon out in Vint Hill VA where I ultimately retired in 2023. Flying is still safe. The FAA is going to be pulled through the ringer for allowing that helo operation. I hated it when I worked there. We were always taught to use positive control on the Helo's when they were near the airport. The controller did almost everything correctly and even reached out to the helo to ask if he had the arrival in sight and to pass behind. The problem was, the helo had the wrong aircraft.
  2. how bout this, can we have a sub-channel in the banter channel that allows all forms of political discussions?
  3. nah.. that 50% approval is steadily dropping Good for us retired Air Traffic Controllers
  4. i have no issue with politics as long as it doesnt degenerate into 5th grade name calling. This is Washington DC.. everyone has a political view
  5. looking good.. glad that 12.6 in bold is right smack over my house
  6. ummm most people in here drew the same conclusion only 24 hours earlier than DT. check the panic room
  7. The trend is our enemy. Not our friend. Unless you want a dry winter
  8. 100% agreed! here is a clip of Bob Ryan and Topper Shut Interview a while back. Bob even says he's a Snow Lover at 4:34. Its cool to go back and watch old weather weenies talk about the past! (kind of like we do here) https://www.google.com/search?q=bob+ryan+golden+snowshovel&oq=bob+ryan+golden+snowshovel&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQIRgKGKABMgcIAhAhGKsCMgcIAxAhGKsC0gEIOTg3NGoxajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:7e4d1b34,vid:7I60LilzFbQ,st:0
  9. Well to be honest, it does set up the Jan 12/13 event nicely by becoming the 50/50 low
  10. 3.75" total in Opal, Va (just south of Warrenton) before the change over to sleet. Pure ZR now and 27 degrees.
  11. 19 Degrees in Opal, Va 3.75" of fluffy powder. Sleet just started mixing in. WOW.. 19 and sleet.. amazingly warm air above us. CAD FTW
  12. gotta love this.. par for the course for a nina year. 1/3" of snow and now pingers falling like there is no tomorrow. so much for our 3-6" aint happening 24 degrees 1/3" snow and pingers in Warrenton. pingers are literally sliding off the roof in big waves of ice as my gutters are already full
  13. my prediction for Warrenton, 3.1 inches before a change over to sleet with a nice healthy crust of it at that
  14. already received the warning for Fauquier thru My Radar App 3 mins ago. strange part is it hasn't updated on the NOAA site yet!
  15. lol He rarely has Richmond in play.. I feel hes pretty decent with his maps. better than average at least
  16. no we dont.. stop stealing my digital snow! its fine right where it lays! but I agree the real deal is going to be that second wave.
  17. I hate when I'm bullseyed this far out. What this map really means for me is 33 and rain due to the northward movement trends of systems the past several years
  18. can you two take this to banter or private pm?
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