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Everything posted by dryslot

  1. 12z Nam just puked, Closed off further SW, dropped qpf a bit over a fairly wide area, This model is unreal
  2. I saw the same one, It did not update the panel until a few minutes later when i refreshed it again
  3. That is a great run up this way, Need to see the qpf map, But a couple nice bands
  4. Looks like it closing off now at hr 42@ H5, That is further NE then 18z, I think i may like this run
  5. That cantore clip is an all time classic
  6. Thats where i thought but did not no the term to use.
  7. Maybe its one of those 15" wood rulers.........
  8. What a joke, Like i said yesterday, You guys can have those commute issues, I would go postal and be locked up after a couple of days....
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