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Everything posted by dryslot

  1. Even despite that. KLEW 131656Z AUTO 01013G19KT 1/2SM -SN FZFG OVC007 M02/M03 A2957 RMK AO2 CIG 003V010 SLP031 P0000 T10171028 FZRANO
  2. It really sucks when you end up in the sinking air behind those bands
  3. Looks like some gravity wave action just SE of PWM in the GOM.
  4. That bad boy is still building, The vertical lift has to be thru the roof.
  5. That's good Kennebec River living right there..........lol
  6. Going to replacing that first band with another one developing to the SE and moving to the NW.
  7. There is somebody that is a spotter in North Bath away from the water.
  8. 3" right now on the ground, This is 1-3"/hr rates right now easily, 37 dbz
  9. Yes, These are feathers here now, Snow Growth has really stepped up. KLEW 131530Z AUTO 01015KT 1/4SM +SN FZFG BKN007 OVC012 M02/M03 A2963 RMK AO2 CIG 004V009 P0000 FZRANO
  10. lol, Picked up here as that band is moving in. KLEW 131434Z AUTO 01012KT 1/2SM SN FZFG BKN009 OVC013 M03/M04 A2967 RMK AO2 CIG 005V011 P0000 FZRANO
  11. Ramped up quickly here SN, Temp has dropped to 28°F.
  12. lol, You get the easy stuff, I've seen you been absent here but i knew you were on vaca for a bit.
  13. I set a goal of 110" here this season, Normal is 70", Didn't think we would make it with Feb being below normal, But 15" will put me at that number.
  14. Yeah, Its 19" here, I like 15-20" range, If the Nams right, We will be on the higher end, But Euro was 16".
  15. I'm sending some over, There is some 27-30 dbz rates in that one, If that parks itself once it comes onshore that's some good 1-2"/hr snow.
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