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About mwp1023

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Wilkes County 2450' and Bahama NC

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  1. I'm right on the Wilkes/Ashe county line sitting at 2500' so I'm hoping we might actually be in the sweet spot.
  2. 1" on the ground and coming down fast! Im in Wilkes county right off the parkway at 2500'
  3. Just curious but at what altitude is the warm nose?
  4. We are riding it out up near west Jefferson. We are at 2500' so I hope the mixing is minimal and mostly snow. Sitting at 29 right now. We need to head into town for one more run before the snow hits
  5. We are packing up and heading to our cabin on the east slope in Wilkes county on Friday. We are at 2500 feet so I think it should be all snow.
  6. West Jefferson is starting to get a good number of trees changing already (Poplar, Birch, Elm). Maples are just starting to get a little color and oaks are still green. Same for the parkway between Boone and West Jefferson. East slope into Wilkes county where I am is still pretty much green. We should be in business starting this weekend. I plan to go up on the 24th and stay through the 30th. That should be peak time for my location.
  7. I'm good with either one, just no more rain. I need my mud to dry out.
  8. Is this combined Wednesday night and Sunday?
  9. Had 1" when we woke up this morning. Nice little surprise snow.
  10. Heading up tomorrow morning to the cabin to see if we can catch a white Christmas. I am only @2500 feet and right by the Lump off the parkway. Even if we don't get anything on the ground it would be nice to see snow in the air on Christmas day.
  11. Leaves are at peak at my cabin. Not far from the Lump overlook off the blue ridge
  12. Just started sticking to the ground in the last 30 minutes. Looks like a good dusting on the ground. Still snowing at a good rate. North Durham County
  13. It may snow 4-5 inches but I don't think we will see high accumulation. Everything falling in my neck of the woods is immediately melting and its a solid moderate snow.
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