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Everything posted by DraydenWX

  1. Train Tracks. only 210 hours out
  2. I appreciate this form for what it is and what you’ve made it Randy. Politics would destroy it. Snow ‘s have bad enough meltdowns on snowstorms, politics would just be atrocious. With that said i hope your bf’s mom finds a new and rewarding job asap.
  3. Getting close to 3 inches in southwest St. Mary’s County now. Listening to Bay101.7fm out of Kilmarnock Virginia across the Potomac in the northern neck. They use AccuWeather and they said additional 4 to 8 inches tonight.
  4. Last time I saw 2 feet of snow down here was 79 and it was up to my waist the neighbors had a 8 foot drift in front of their house, almost touching the gutters. It took four days before we saw the first plow. So yes, let us know of we need to stock up tomorrow.
  5. Can’t agree more. They had a summer house down in Piney Point, and they would come out to a local marina and sing every once in a while.
  6. My guess is TowsonWeather. He just comes on here to yell at people on the RIC form. It’s time for you to take him behind the woodshed.
  7. Damn, looking over these pages is painful. Hell hath no fury like a Weather Weenie scorned.
  8. That’s what it’s all about. That’s why most of us are here, whether we admitted or not. Thank you for that. Saw a lot of people enjoying the weather weather this week.
  9. Beautiful day on the St. Mary’s River. Bring on round two. 7 inches so far.
  10. I think that’s what Bob chill was trying to tell you this morning.
  11. Can we get that stormtracker guy back in here. You guys suck at Play by play.
  12. About 6” On the Saint Marys River. Just off of the Lower Potomac.
  13. Mammatus clouds in Southern MD this evening.
  14. That means it will probably hit south of the watch area.
  15. Awesome up close drone footage of one of last weeks tornados in Alabama! https://www.facebook.com/PhotojournalistBrianEmfinger/videos/446886303310783/?vh=e&extid=0
  16. Big ice problems in St. Mary’s County this morning. Lots of power outages and trees on roads.
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