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Everything posted by mappy

  1. im not sure why you're taking that post so personally. you left a softball joke, and it was taken.
  2. Did he? He had retweeted it, so not surprised he posted it there too. Thanks for letting me know! I don't follow him on FB hahahaha
  3. i barely got a quarter inch. all the good rates went just to my southwest
  4. Hereford Zone just went 2hr delay on schools
  5. Radar showing a nice band, that’s juuuuust to my west.
  6. 17/12 with snow. All my cleared surfaces from yesterday are covered again
  7. Go Bengals! @North Balti Zen
  8. Thanks! Any snow is good snow, but it’s nice to have hit 10” for the winter.
  9. I cleaned it up and moved things here
  10. 1-2” seems to be the general consensus among all local media. Wbal, despite their chief met tweeting a model showing 3-6, went 1-2 for tomorrow. Will probably be areas that see more depending on banding, however.
  11. What a wonderful Sunday it could end up being for you! Few inches of snow in the morning, and maybe a super bowl win in the evening
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