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Everything posted by mappy

  1. In Myrtle Beach this week, looks like less than an inch at home
  2. At Myrtle Beach for the next week and wasn’t even here 30 min and an EAS comes over the tv for a tornado warning to our west. Most exciting weather I’ve had in sometime lol
  3. Actually wasn't bad. Left VA Beach at 730 yesterday and was home before noon.
  4. Eating your words this morning? Almost 2" here.
  5. Nope haha. Solo trip at least, so I’ll try to enjoy the quiet time wedding better have an open bar otherwise my cousin is getting an earful
  6. Give me strength as I have to drive to VA Beach today for a wedding tomorrow. Mondays drive home should be a blast.
  7. LiDAR is the best. MD's viewer is all LiDAR derived.
  8. Maryland has a great topographic viewer https://geodata.md.gov/topoviewer/ Haven't been able to find a similar one for Virginia
  9. fine with me. Mr Map mowed last night and it was like the Dust Bowl in the backyard.
  10. NHC just couldn't name it yesterday? lol 12hrs earlier wouldn't have hurt and the August drought would have ended.
  11. but will my myrtle beach trip be impacted thanks for all you share friend!
  12. 80 at 1pm at the end of August? More. Please.
  13. the rain free area in far northern baltimore county is me.
  14. My gauge didn’t even register rain lol.
  15. Hahaha happened up here too. Got a little rain and some pity rumbles of distant thunder
  16. Outflow hit as I was on 83 heading north, was a whirlwind of leaves all across the highway and trucks def moved in their lanes
  17. The last few scans show it well. I only wanted rain so thunder is a bonus
  18. Def some little cells popping up along the boundary ahead of the line
  19. cant you let us just have the hope of storms without it dying on our doorsteps? please.
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