You're a little older than me, but my kid makes me feel old daily. When she laughs at bands I used to listen to, like boy bands as an example. She legit says "NSYNC?! They are so old" which in theory also makes me old.
I too though that cover was a slap in the face haha
45, raining. gross.
the rain gauge sensor on my station isn't reporting, radar says I've picked up 1.85 since yesterday morning. On top of the 1.7 I got the day before, so sitting somewhere near 3.5"?
Garden City, SC -- we stay about 3-4 blocks north of where this was taken. I imagine the parking garage for our condo building is all water. At least our condo building all the units themselves are elevated, and almost every single family home in the area on Waccamaw Drive are all on stilts.