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Everything posted by mappy

  1. Id prefer it posted in this thread instead of our obs thread.
  2. I appreciate people going to chase snow, but could you post those obs in our banter thread instead of here?
  3. thank goodness we have you to keep us grounded
  4. actually measured, quarter inch! hahahaha
  5. Very black/white film-esq
  6. I just woke the kid up, her reaction "whoa, actual snow!"
  7. @Eskimo Joe in Reisterstown should be getting a good snow right now
  8. ooof, yeah woodbine is right on the edge of the heavier returns. sorry
  9. Nice to see a lot of snow reports show up on mPING.
  10. Happy to oblige! Would hate to let you down.
  11. We are not in storm mode. Some of us are actually seeing snow and would like to share our observations. We all find joy where we can
  12. Im struggling with virga. precip is too light to moisten the column. hopefully the heavier stuff makes it my way, that will help. enjoy what you get!
  13. 33/26 with some returns on radar north of me.
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