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Everything posted by mappy

  1. this is a huge problem across the board. my own mother, for a time, didn't even know the difference. however, regarding schools, the State of Maryland Board of Ed needs to make sure their teachers and especially their principals are properly trained to know the correct verbiage and what to do. I hope this is a serious lesson to the school, and the overall county, on properly handling of these situations.
  2. I saw. Lots of discussion earlier this week on why an elementary school in the middle of the tornado warning dismissed the kids anyways. Apparently the warning came out minutes before the dismissal bell rang, and the principal was told yet had the kids leave anyways. really stupid. and FWIW: my daughter's school held the kids until 4pm, even though the warning was south and east.
  3. Missed all the fun including the tornado warned storm over my work. Was sitting in traffic driving back from Montgomery county. Oh well
  4. ah. for some reason i thought federalsburg was up in Caroline county too. alas, my geography failed me this time. but yes, same event that produced the two in DE
  5. hey @C.A.P.E. i think this is near you, right? Public Information Statement National Weather Service Wakefield VA 951 AM EDT Wed Apr 17 2019 ...NWS WAKEFIELD CONFIRMS A BRIEF EF0 TORNADO IN DORCHESTER COUNTY MD ON APRIL 15 2019... Location...2.5 miles southeast of Federalsburg on Bailey Store Road in Dorchester County MD. Date...4/15/2019 Estimated Time...332 am EDT Maximum EF-Scale Rating...EF0 Estimated Maximum Wind Speed...80 mph Maximum Path Width...100 yards Path Length...0.5 miles * Fatalities...0 * Injuries...0
  6. 15 confirmed tornadoes in VA on friday. Up to 75+ from Wed-Friday ... map of the EF3 ( it hasn't been shared elsewhere yet )
  7. My other half just emailed asking of this was it in terms of severe
  8. ahh, you did say 1-95 corridor. my bad. i have a hard time believe that slug of moisture south of DC won't hit I-95
  9. My understanding of SPCs outlook was the any pre squall stuff had the potential for severe/tornado. Otherwise, the worst would come through later with the main squall line (later tonight).
  10. rotation looked good when the warning was first issued, its weakened a bit.
  11. to be fair, I have mod powers. but pffft if i am going to moderate myself.
  12. If you get radarscope you can choose between different types of subscriptions to go along with it. I have Pro Tier 1 (additional $10 a year) with gives you lightning, dual-pane display and longer loops Pro Tier 2 includes all of Tier 1 plus SPC outlooks, local storm reports, 30day archive of radar, shear and hail contours and cross platform subscription at $15 a month, or $100 a year
  13. Farting Butterflies Jump to navigationJump to search The most important question of life... Can butterflies fart? The answer? Nobody knows. https://en.illogicopedia.org/wiki/Farting_Butterflies
  14. a butterfly could fart that causes rotation and LWX will issue a warning for it.
  15. Also, SPC issues watches, not the individual CWAs (though they do coordinate together). I would expect both Wakefield and Mt Holly CWA to be put under watches (or parts of the CWA).
  16. next, as EJ said. the mid-Atlantic MD came out first, so makes sense.
  17. Yeah and the MD for us mentions an isolated tornado threat, as well as in the text
  18. from SPCs 1630 outlook With that, I would probably expect a tornado watch for us this afternoon.
  19. latest HRRR does suggest some of the storms may have rotation. MD out for a tornado watch to our south.
  20. Im surprised at the 5% for TOR, at least up this way. Makes sense further south.
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