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Everything posted by mappy

  1. but even then the set up was different. models have been advertising possible storms for us all week. there wasn't much there for the derecho until the day of, hence the upgrades as the day went on.
  2. you can't compare the derecho to this set up. that was a whole other beast
  3. thanks. now someone explain it me. i still have yet to learn how to read a severe sounding. shhh don't tell anyone.
  4. SPC making me look dumb lol thanks for your input, as always!
  5. well maybe in that maybe we will see one? who knows -- i didn't think conditions were that great for tornadoes in PA, but alas, here we are. I could drive to a tornado watch lol
  6. well shit. blue box for us at least... maybe. ill shut up now
  7. new thunderstorm watch out for the Pitt area -- any watches issued for us, or PA, will be blue. That's my call.
  8. they have it purple because they aren't sure yet as of the MD whether it will be red/blue. Even the text just says "watch likely" with 95% chance. yesterday they clearly said tornado watch likely.
  9. thank you for sharing! thats a great shot. and yeah, some of those storms up north last night were no joke.
  10. yesterday was the 12th day in a row of at least 8 or more tornadoes reported. last time that happened was 1980. its been an active stretch.
  11. If I was able to travel to see better storms, I'd go up to Allentown and hang out there to see what pops.
  12. missed out on the early stuff, popped up just to my north and went east. but i did get a little from the stuff that came out of PA around 10pm or so. heck of a gust front ahead of it, followed by some T&L and brief, but heavy, rain. it watered the garden, so no complaints. i like it. sounds about right given the set up.
  13. a small gust of wind will break a bradford pear branch lol they break so easily we ain't seeing anything today man. put your eggs into tomorrows basket
  14. why? being under a watch doesn't dictate that you will, or will not see, some type of weather.
  15. a 50/20 watch to our north lol doubt we see much today
  16. picked up 0.0 over the weekend, including the sunday night stuff that passed to my south. i could have walked to the rain lol nice little downpour of rain this morning made for a fun drive to work. overcast now with no optimism for storms later today
  17. I dont see anything wrong with an automated tweet, if its coming from NWS Tornado or something. But putting out their own tweet with poor wording is really bad practice for a police department.
  18. well thats because UMD pays Accuweather to be their private forecast company. Accuweather issued a tornado warning when NWS did not and UMD shared it.
  19. easy, it got picked up by someone with a ton of followers and being shared all over the web.
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