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Everything posted by mappy

  1. not at all accurate up here. it has never rained
  2. love living north. snowing nicely, sticking and temp down to 35. Kid home. PJs on.
  3. coming down pretty good, small flakes, and sticking! 37/29
  4. well HoCo got out early, and I think NWB is a HS teacher, so he's done for the day Scraff literally works for a brewery (or the like) so, makes sense.
  5. full head of hair, i'm good
  6. i get that everyone is at their ends with no snow these days, but can we try and make better posts?
  7. 35/25 at home, and a 2hr early dismissal for BCPS
  8. i hope you are so you will stop whining about it.
  9. Good luck up there! Hope you cash in
  10. 29/22 skies are mostly clouded over, but rising sun to the east is filtering through while still low to the horizon.
  11. Hahahahahahaha hrrr would piss everyone off
  12. A 3hr early dismissal would be 1230 for elementary kids. 2hr, 130 dismissal. Both reasonable I think given timing
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