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Everything posted by mappy

  1. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    yes, i think thats the proper wording. Of what results were processed and results released, we have a high rate. correct. sorry.. my scientific brain can only handle so much semantics lol
  2. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Most likely, yes. we will never have a true scope of numbers until its over. until they test people for it afterwards. until then we have to make do with what is published, but there is always a lag in the data. always always always.
  3. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    but they weren't run yesterday. stop saying that. its not an accurate picture of the true spread in the state. its not an accurate picture of the true mortality rate. its the only data we have, but everyone needs to understand there are lags in when results come back. both positive and negative.
  4. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    just be careful when doing that math. we know there is a lag on when people get tested and when the results come back. its not accurate based on real-time
  5. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    sounds good. we are moving on from this anyways.
  6. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    i didn't see any attacks against you, showme. she was arguing against the articles that you posted. that is not an attack against you. not sure how to handle this situation as i did not find her posts to be off-based or wrong.
  7. ^^ that post goes for everyone. Its a thin line to walk between what is covid talk and what gets into the political weeds. complaining about it in a banter thread does no good what so ever. you need to report posts so we moderators see specifically the issues. this goes for any thread, at any time. i'm not about to hunt down posts that people bitch about in another thread
  8. please report specific posts that you find unsavory. we all have our views and everything is subjective. I, as a moderator, cannot provide you a pleasant experience if you are going to complain about it here instead of reporting the posts you do not like. thanks.
  9. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    trixie is fine. please try and limit the mentions of the current administration, who is to blame, when things could have been done, etc. that stuff gets too close to political discussions. lets all move along from this specific topic. thanks.
  10. lol yes. if i dont ill end up sleeping until 9am or more hahahaha
  11. ha yes. i hit the snooze twice this morning
  12. this might help https://www.aviationweather.gov/static/help/taf-decode.php
  13. coworker who lives in the Monkton area is without power
  14. then whats the point of this thread and an obs thread? if we are going to post our severe winds, watches, rain, etc in that thread... why have this one?
  15. i wouldnt migrate to a new thread. severe obs/disc here as usual
  16. Regardless of what spc goes with, please everyone make sure you have a safe place to go should you find yourself under a tornado warning. With a quick low-level flow these storms will be booking it through the area. Should anything rotate, it will spin up fast. Stay safe y’all.
  17. Oh.. high winds arent following the front? lol didn’t know thee was a chance. It’s spring man
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