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Everything posted by mappy

  1. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    I’m expecting schools to stay closed. Everyone gets punted to the next grade level, seniors graduate and so on. It will suck but they can’t hold kids back and they can’t restart. So unless they expect kids to go to school during the summer...there are no other options. so the biggest issue for my house, and I assume many others, is we have a kid at home who isn’t old enough to stay home alone, with two parents whose offices are now open and we are expected to show up. Without a childcare plan in place, it means one of us has to stay home, until school starts again. It’s not feasible. Our offices are understanding now, because everything is shut down...but how understanding will they be if things open up and we still stay home? I’d hope understanding but who the hell knows what these corporate minds think. im just rambling now about my own concerns moving forward. I want things to be as close to normal as everyone else does, but I understand the risk. I’m glad Hogan is already putting a plan in motion on how to reopen. It’s reassuring, but man sooo many variables to consider.
  2. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    June 1 will work IF they allow daycares to reopen, even if it’s limited kids allowed. Without something in place for kids it’s going to be really hard to get at home working parents back in offices.
  3. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    i'm technically essential, well, my company is. but i've been working from home for weeks now. as long as schools are closed, i won't be in the office.
  4. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    not something i would openly advertise.
  5. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    lol nope. been producing deliverables for weeks now without issue. big air force contract in full swing
  6. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Hogans 4 steps to open up the state 1. increase testing, goal is to do 10K tests a day. working on partnerships with whatever private labs they can to make this happen 2. increasing hospital surge capacity, particularly in MoCo, PG, Charles counties where cases are higher. More response tents to be available 3. ramping up supply of PPE, deliveries coming in daily... 4.5 million n95 masks expected to arrive in the next week. 4. Contact tracing - 250 people working on that now, but plan to expand to 1,000 people dedicated to contact tracing full thread of points here
  7. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Hogan signs EO requiring the wearing of masks when in the community, includes all opened businesses. staff must wear PPE. Order goes into effect Saturday.
  8. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    I was mostly laughing at the thought of Fed govt actually trying to work with states to open things back up. I get it, the economy needs to get moving soon before things gets worse for many
  9. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Baltimore City requiring everyone to wear masks when outside their homes i have a feeling Hogan will be pushing the same. DC mayor did the same this morning.
  10. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    lol good luck with that.
  11. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    biggest reason: supplies and staff. there are not enough test kits. there are not enough people to give the tests. there are not enough people, or labs, to run the tests. its a logistic nightmare that we are ridiculously behind the ball on that trying to play catch up will prove to be impossible
  12. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    thanks for keeping the discussion civil despite disagreements. carry on
  13. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    must be PG county area
  14. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    DC extends stay at home order until May 15th I imagine Hogan will follow suit at 230 since MD, DC and VA are all working together
  15. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Any Baltimore County parents, Balt public schools now have learning ON TV, channel 73 comcast, or channel 34 vios schedule in the article https://www.wbaltv.com/article/baltimore-county-public-schools-to-begin-teacher-produced-tv-learning-schedule/32158123
  16. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    it was my understanding checks were being deposited based on income levels? waterboy got his today too, but neither me or my husband got ours.
  17. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Hogan presser at 230. Last I heard regarding schools they were still discussing and no announcement was expected this week.
  18. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    something else to note: probable COVID deaths are NOT part of the official count on the dashboard. Those numbers can be found on the page, further down in the black box section.
  19. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Here they are https://services.arcgis.com/njFNhDsUCentVYJW/arcgis/rest/services/ZIPCodes_MD_1/FeatureServer https://services.arcgis.com/njFNhDsUCentVYJW/arcgis/rest/services/MD_COVID19_Case_Counts_by_County/FeatureServer these are feature services layers that one can pull into AGOL or download for use.
  20. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    i didn't quite catch what she said regarding it, but it sounded as if the data would be there too i took screenshots of the links for the two map services available
  21. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    @Eskimo Joe Department of IT is working on making the data available for the general public, however the feature layer services can be downloaded through AGOL, for those who are famliar with it. I'll post the links when I get them after the call. Goal is to have ALL the data available through download within MDs open data portal (MD iMap) and not directly through ArcGIS Online. the presenter did mention something about Ospry? or EOC? not sure what those are, but sounded like emergency management related
  22. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    @Eskimo Joe questions at end, so ill keep a list. let me know if anyone else has any other questions
  23. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    anyone have questions for MD DoIT? on a call this morning with the mid-atlantic GIS users group, and the leader MD DoIT gal is giving a presentation about the covid-site note: this is regarding the maryland covid-dashboard
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