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Everything posted by mappy

  1. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    I’m not sure that’s is argument, it’s why I asked him. the fall worry is legit, but I agree it should not be what drives decisions to open partly, or fully. We can plan for that however.
  2. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    No idea. I don’t work for Hogan to know what he was using to make his decisions. What Cuomo did isn’t any of my concern, I’m not a NY state resident.
  3. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    So then why your argument?
  4. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Yup. We all knew it was coming Same, let’s hope none of us have to deal with that.
  5. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    I’m glad you feel confident. Not everyone views things as you do, stats or not. A little empathy for some is okay
  6. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    I mean 3 weeks ago MD was clearing not-yet graduated med students to help with patients for goodness sakes, obviously there was strain
  7. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    I know and it was the best decision to make a month ago. We are beyond that initial crush that every leader was concerned about, so it makes sense if services aren’t as strained as they once were. that doesn’t mean it was a bad choice to make, it means it worked and continues to work
  8. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    It is a shame. I know I don’t want to get this virus, or my kid.
  9. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    I haven’t seen an argument that it’s that way across the land. Hotspot cities, sure, but not nationally. Sounds a bit hyperbolic
  10. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    I agree, but panic is a real thing that greatly impacts ones decision to make otherwise logical decisions. It wouldn’t surprise me to see large numbers of people dying at home across the country, of non-covid reasons when all is said and done and data can be correct parsed out
  11. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    So then what’s the issue? A temp hospital was set up that ended up not being needed. That’s a good thing imo
  12. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Agreed but what does that matter in your question? Many aren’t going to hospitals for normal ER visits due to fear of getting sick, and ERs aren’t accepting non-covid patients. People are dying at home due to non-covid illness. The ships are there to help those people, but can’t help if people are too afraid to even go.
  13. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Did they close because it wasn’t needed anymore since area hospitals were able to manage patients? I don’t know the story...
  14. That’s good. Glad you can cover them. Oh that’s good! Glad you’ll get a nice haul
  15. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Most are probably dying in their homes, at least in NYC. Metfan could come attest to that, he’s told us about it over in PR. it was my understanding that these hospital ships were intended for every day use, not surgeries or anything but general visits/injuries. How they are actually being utilized, I can’t say.
  16. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Weren’t they for normal day to day hospital visits? Not for covid patients I thought
  17. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    You guys need to approach phineas a different way, it would help this thread not go places it shouldn’t be
  18. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Pretty sure you or I can’t make that call
  19. He’s a god send. He’s part of the team who puts all the survey data up on wiki.
  20. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    To which I said thanks
  21. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Trust me, metfan will take this thread completely off track if we let him.
  22. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Until we test everyone no body can say what it is, or isn’t like. You guys gotta stop getting into the weeds over things none of us have specific answers for
  23. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Thanks, but we aren’t going to take this thread off track and discuss NYC specifics in detail.
  24. Me too. Low lights, chill music, extra pour of whiskey.
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