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Everything posted by mappy

  1. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    the only politician i am listening to these days is Hogan. Everyone else can shove it, for all I care. Playing politics during this is the lowest of lows. all parties included. but again, this is going down a path we are trying to avoid in this thread. i think many need to agree to disagree that we have our biases and outlooks and need to back off the topic as much as we can
  2. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    to be honest, i dont give a rats ass what "the people" think.
  3. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    well no, cause then you are risking others who don't otherwise want the risk to serve/help those who think its all for nothing. you know the second part is illegal and wont happen
  4. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Not to go down the rabbit hole, but of course there are going to be people who think its a sham, government control, dems suck blah blah blah. its all stupid. but people are going to be who they are.
  5. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Any of them out and about without a mask or other PPE think its a sham. Otherwise, they would be protected, even while protesting. Also, read some signs, its all there.
  6. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    I agree with you, just saying... they don't care. thats why they are doing it how they are.
  7. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Right, but the majority of them think its a sham. so why would they care?
  8. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    They both were! Though Operation Enduring Friendship is kind of a lol name
  9. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Sounds like Hogan kept it all on the DL. Tests were delivered to BWI on saturday.
  10. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Its a tough one to "support" i agree one has the right to protest, and i get the frustrations, but how about everyone just stay in their cars, honk a lot and then go home. this gathering in groups, stupid signs and guns are just not needed.
  11. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    yes, WoM said last week that they would be including probable cases/deaths as part of their daily numbers.
  12. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Looks like its separate. The lab giving MD tests is LabGenomics. That article mentions SolGent, SD Biosensor and OSang Healthcare
  13. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Agreed. I hope Hogan did this quietly without raising any flags in DC
  14. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    One can hope! it was a lucky guess, but I did know his wife had reached out to SK, so glad they are helping out. Now, hopefully the tests are not picked up and taken away before the state can use them. other supplies have been "federally acquired" as they make their ways to tarmacs and such.
  15. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    Maybe lol good point. I’m just guessing. I knew his wife asked SK for help weeks ago, I never saw if they ended up helping or not.
  16. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    just spit balling but, Hogan's wife asked South Korea for help. (she is from SK).. wonder if they sent tests to the state?
  17. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    here is VA's dedicated hospital covid19 dashboard https://www.vhha.com/communications/virginia-hospital-covid-19-data-dashboard/
  18. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    at least +100 or more a day for the past 10 days
  19. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    guess that tweet you saw wasn't too far off.
  20. mappy

    COVID-19 Talk

    ....how do you know that before 10am?
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