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Everything posted by mappy

  1. Oh for sure, I also believe I am fulfilling that little desire to have another kid that we never had. lol
  2. So, I’m really digging being a new puppy mom. I can’t stop sharing pics, probably annoying my friends and followers. But they are so damn cute!
  3. no clue the plane type, but have noticed an uptick in, i assume, military planes flying by lately. just had two more come through, heading south.
  4. oh damn, just looked at radar. didn't realize it was pouring baltimore south
  5. i need to take more flower pics for you, everything i planted is thriving and looking great
  6. had some boomers roll through around 9pm and 11pm last night. probably more after that but slept through it. woke up with over an inch in the gauge. which was fine, pool needed the water.
  7. would love too if you still need it!
  8. The Mappy household is growing by two today! We are fostering two puppies, most likely will end up adopting them fully eventually, but we are so excited!
  9. You could see some of the shelf on WBAL tower cam when they showed it in the 6pm hour. Nothing like that here, but Max got a great pic. 1.35 as of 10 min ago IMBY. I’ll take it!
  10. Falling asleep at your job dude no copy/paste today?
  11. I listened! Thank you, I’m happy. Flowers are happy, pool is getting filled lol
  12. Flood warning from Parkton, east into Harford county. Where’s Yoda? Lol
  13. .89 since it started pouring. Thunder now too
  14. Cooking with gas now, lots of stuff popping up to my south headed this way.
  15. well, for now all the stuff has moved north and west of me. little downpour for a few minutes. a whopping .05 of rain LOL
  16. Thanks guys, I'm just pouting. Hate being missed on all sides, just need some rain lol
  17. some rain falling now, but not very heavy. im telling ya, that edge is like across the street. i could walk to a downpour.
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