its always a crapshoot. i get we are heading into a la nina pattern, but that doesn't mean we cant score one or two decent events.
or we could and its a repeat of last year's shitty totals
So many low numbers lol
BWI: 23”
DCA: 15”
IAD: 28”
RIC: 11”
tiebreaker SBY: 8”
MBY: 30”
Im thinking one decent area wide storm that gives everyone double digits, the piddly shit the rest of the season. Optimism.
Hahahahaha no, not that bad. Mr map would never let me. All tastefully picked stuff, spotlights and stuff. We put up a new privacy fence around the pool area so I’ve got even more surface area to put up lights
Didn’t he have symptoms and not report them? On top of not wearing a mask, or the tracking device they require when on team property? Sounds like he was trying to hide it, which is even worse.