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Everything posted by mappy

  1. there are only two of us moderating, and i know for me, i'm working from home, and dealing with a kid in school virtually so can only juggle so much. things slip through and it may be pages before i see whats been said. doing our best.
  2. im trying man. i get that some are bummed they won't do well while others will cash in just fine. hard to moderate that so i'm trying to let it be as much as i can without the thread going to full shit.
  3. as soon as it stopped being a slushy snow, it really made a difference in how nice it looks. more stickage.
  4. nice PSU! really coming down now. looks great
  5. yeah temps dont look like a problem here, unless that low comes inland more. like you said, the precip amount itself. i will take whatever falls of course. snow is snow.
  6. I hear you. I'll try to mind my snark.
  7. been all snow here for a little bit. slushy deck
  8. Everyone knows their climo, and how these things work out for their backyards. The usual spots will do well, coastal plain will not and those in the middle have to deal with the mix. happens every damn time. years after years of this grows tiresome.
  9. didnt you give me shit a few days ago about being worried about mixing?
  10. you mentioned it again at 00z. was noticeable then too
  11. almost all snow now. slush bombs but snow all the same.
  12. thanks guys, what would i do without your expert analysis.
  13. i still get snow. so works for me. some of yall need to have realistic expectations.
  14. goodness can we let the damn thing run before saying it sucks?
  15. about 50/50 mix rain/slush bombs
  16. Its based on the reflectivity, right? If CC values are higher its rain or sleet? lower CC values would be snow?
  17. I don't know CC well enough to interpret correctly, so thanks for this.
  18. i laughed! come on, i'm really trying not to be as much as a stickler.
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