Good morning --
Winter starts Friday (climatological seasons for the win), and our regular snow birds are coming back to roost for the winter. As such our threads are becoming more active, especially this one.
In an effort to keep this thread readable, please do your best to post in the correct thread. We have plenty!
Disc/Obs threads are for short-term discussion and observations.
Mid/Long Range threads are for 5-7+ day model watching, discussing.
Banter threads are for banter, anything that you wouldn't want to read in a discussion thread, should go in banter.
Panic Room thread is for canceling winter, melting down, whining, complaining, giving up all together. Save all that shit for that thread and Not. Here.
We will hide posts that are off topic. If you see a post of yours disappear, then please try your post in another thread.
I believe in all of you to do your part to help keep our threads on topic, readable, but also fun as we all track winter threats like the crazy people that we are.
Finally -- if you are finding a poster to be annoying, please just put them on ignore. Our threads tend to fall into the shitter when we start attacking each other. Just put them on ignore and keep on scrolling.
Thank you!